Report format question

  • I am contemplating moving a large number of reports over from Crystal to SQL Reporting Services. These reports are part of an online application that generates PDF forms (reports) that include data imbedded in textual paragraphs (rather than in data grids). Is there a simple way to set up "reports" in SQL Reporting Services to accomodate this sort of a report (complete with subreports)?

    I can't seem to find much in the way of documentation that supports other than data grids.

    Thanks in advance for any information that you might be able to send to this newbie!

    - Austin

  • Hi Austin,

    I figure the "textbox" function within the Report toolbox doesn't match your demands ?



  • I guess if worse comes to worse then I will have to make use of the textbox. The problem is that there is no formatting available within the textbox so that I have to manually format all of the paragraphs. It seems like that is all that is available though.


  • Maybe you could try using the List Object... this is designed for layout requirements that don't fit a table, like you need text in certain places or irregular layout... not sure on formatting within a list however.

    Kindest Regards,


  • Thanks, Martin. I am going to dive into this either tomorrow or Wednesday more fully. I appreciate your ideas....I'll give it a try.

    - Austin

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