Report Graph error

  • When I create a report ( with a graph the raw data displays correctly but the graph is missing.  I get a square with a red X in it like the image is missing.  The crazy thing is the graph shows fine in the designer in VS.NET 2003 and when I open it over the web from my development computer.  Every other computer gets the red x.  However if a user exports the file the graph is in the file and if they then refresh the page the graph will show on the page.  If they navigate away and then come back the graph is once again gone.  Every computer except my development computer has this problem.  I have tested with systems both on and off of the network and get the same problem.  Is there a download that Im missing ?  Anyone have any ideas?

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  • Do the other users have Internet Explorer 6 and the .Net framework 1.1 installed as part of the IE?

  • Everyone has 1.1 and the exact same version of IE...  I went through and all of the security settings are the same as the one computer that works. 

  • Hi,

    Has anyone got a solution to this problem?  I have the same problem of the graph or image not showing from the Server, but it works fine in the designer.

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