Report Manager blank page!!!

  • Hi Everyone,

    I have installed reporting services 2008 Enterprise edition on Windows 7 Proffessional.

    I'm trying to navigate report manager page by http://localhost/reports but can not see anything else other than Home,subscriptions and help link everything esle is blank.

    When I tried connect with report server by http://localhost/reportserver I got the error as

    The permissions granted to user 'domainname\account' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied) Get Online Help

    I tried to change role on report server with local account which is administrator for system it gives me error with insufficient rights

    I have added sites in IE as trusted one,I have logged in on system as Administrator.

    Please help me to add my local account as administrator on Reporting server and get it work.

    Thank You in advance!


  • can you please clarify this a bit for me?

    1) where is the SSRS instance installed? On a server someplace or your local machine?

    1a) where are the SSRS databases hosted? your machine, another server etc?

    2) what rights does your domain account have on the machine that the SSRS server is installed on?

    3) did you run through the SSRS configuration tool to configure the service?

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  • Luke,

    1) SSRS is installed on my local machine.

    1a) SSRS database are hosted on local machine as well.

    2) I have only one account existing on my machine and I have all administrator rights.

    3) Actually I was trying to change role from Management studio.


  • are you sure you installed anything besides the client tools on your desktop? according to the enterprise edition is not supported on Windows 7 Pro. When you connect to the database engine on your local machine, does it list the reportserver database?

    Not sure about Win7 but if I remember correctly you had to launch IE as an administrator (same with SSMS) when on Vista and Win7. Otherwise UAC caused some issues not allowing you to do what you needed to do to manage the system. Here's a blog post detailing what you need to do to make the new security settings work for Vista and above...


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  • Luke,

    Yes I am sure that I have installed SQL Server 2008 Enterprise edition (Not R2).

    Yes I can see ReportServer and Report Server Tempdb databses when I connect to database engine on local machine.

    I already went through the process which is explained in

    One more thing I want to specify here is when I opened Visual Studio with "Run as Administrator" ,I created report and I was able to deploy reports successfully but I cldnt see any folder on Report Manager page and Access Denied error on Report Server Page.

  • I cldnt see any folder on Report Manager page and Access Denied error on Report Server Page.

    Did you try to run IE with Admin rights? Are you certain that your domain account is in the appropriate role (a member of the local admin group to start with)? did you specify the correct server to deploy to when you setup your project? Is IE set to automatically pass your login credentials?

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  • In Windows 7 I can not see any options to open with admin rights but before that from Computer Management I have added my account in all User groups even concerned to SQL Server ,given all rights to my account and its the only one account on local machine as administrator.

    Server name was correct while deploying the project.My account dosnt have any passwords so it didnt ask me to put any credentials.

    I have added http://localhost as trusted site in IE.

  • To launch IE with admin rights, right click on your shortcut and choose run as administrator.

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  • Thank You Luke it worked for me by oppning IE with administrator.

    One more question as I have only one account on local machine and I was assuming it as a administrator but now its confirmed that its not administrators even though I have all rights as administrator so wht am I suppose to do make my current account as administrator?

    Thank You once again for your help!!!


  • when you log into a Vista or win7 machine even with an administrative account you are by default sandboxed via the UAC so that you don't inadvertently do something bad (like install malware via a drive by ad or something) by mistake. any time you attempt to do anything which would require admin credentials, it will pop up that dialog box asking if this is really what you want to do. Some people find this annoying and there are ways to turn this off.

    I don't recommend that. If you always are running with elevated credentials, you're more apt to download something nasty or whatnot.

    Instead, I recommend you create a shortcut that launches the Iexplore.exe process with admin rights and points it directly to your SSRS URL. I don't have a Win7 box in front of me right now so I can't tell you the exact steps, but if you create the shortcut then look at the properties it's probably in the advanced or compatibility section. Just make sure you only use that instance of IE to go to SSRS and no where else.

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  • Ok Luke I got it.

    I really appreciate your help and time.


  • No problem. Glad you got it sorted.


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  • Ok Luke I got it.

    I really appreciate your help and time.


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