Report Model from MS Access Database

  • Hi,

    Is it possible to create (and deploy) a Report Model based on an Microsoft Access Database

    i have managed to create my DSV AND SMDL files but when i go to deploy the Model i am getting the error

    Error 1 Exception of type 'System.NotSupportedException' was thrown

    Does anyone know if this is possible and if it is not possible if you could point the way to the Microsoft Article which states this as i cant find anything which says this can't be done

    Your time and effort greatly appreciated


  • I found this article from Microsoft

    which suggests that this is not possible.

  • Don't always believe Microsoft :-).

    Try this and I'm pretty sure it'll work :

    Create a linked server from SQL Server to the Access DB.

    Then build a SP for the source of the data for the report(s).

    Call the SP to display the data.

    Assuming the SP returns what you need an nobody deletes the Access DB it should work.

    Of course you can always cut the middle man and import all the required tables from access to SQL but that's not always possible to do a full or partial rewrite of the DBs.


  • Thanks for the repsonse.

    The Access database is password protected and i can't seem to create a linked Server for it

    (i can create a linked server no problems for an access db that is not password protected).

    The database is not mine to change/import to SQL Server.

    i will probably Data Warehouse it as i see no easy solution.

    The annonying thing is that the Report Model Project Template allowed me to basically do everything bar Deploying the Model.

    it is a tiny Database and i thought i could save some time by Modelling it directly (1/2 Days Work) as oppossed to Data Warehousing it (2 Days Work)

    Only postive is it give me some ammunication to fire at our Technical Architect as i double checked with him (he told me he had done it before) before i commenced Development

    Thanks agains for your Response

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