Report snapshot

  • I need to make a report non-refreshable (i.e. refresh the data once a month and keep it static throughout that month). Ideally, I would like the refresh to be triggered by a T-SQL command from a different server. Is this possible?



  • Jason,

    I am not sure if this is the best solution, or even if it suits your particular requirements, but what jumped to my mind was:

    1. Create a special table that will hold only the data contained in your report.

    2. Create a stored procedure that:

    a. Deletes the contents of this table.

    b. Inserts all of the report data.

    3. Create a job on your other server that triggers the stored procedure.

    That way, even though the report will technically be "refreshable," refreshing the report will not actually put a huge burden on your server (which is what I assume is your purpose for making the report non-refreshable -- I could be wrong).

    My two cents.


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