Report Writer

  • I'm not sure I've posted in the correct area. Apologies if I have...

    I have this code below that when I connect to a database, only looks back 7 days, I have written it to look back 10 days but unsure why it only looks back the 7 days...

    How can I make it look back more than the 7 days?

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <Report xmlns:rd="" xmlns="">


    <DataSource Name="master">






    <DataSet Name="RightPane04">


    <Field Name="timestamp">







    <CommandText>begin try

    select getdate() as timestamp

    end try

    begin catch

    select null as timestamp

    end catch</CommandText>




    <DataSet Name="RightPane">


    <Field Name="difference">




    <Field Name="date">




    <Field Name="obj_type_desc">




    <Field Name="obj_name">




    <Field Name="database_name">




    <Field Name="start_time">




    <Field Name="event_class">




    <Field Name="event_subclass">




    <Field Name="object_type">




    <Field Name="server_name">




    <Field Name="login_name">




    <Field Name="application_name">




    <Field Name="ddl_operation">







    <CommandText>begin try

    declare @enable int

    select top 1 @enable = convert(int,value_in_use) from sys.configurations where name = 'default trace enabled'

    if @enable = 1 --default trace is enabled


    declare @d1 datetime;

    declare @diff int;

    declare @curr_tracefilename varchar(500);

    declare @base_tracefilename varchar(500);

    declare @indx int ;

    declare @temp_trace table (

    obj_name nvarchar(256) collate database_default

    , database_name nvarchar(256) collate database_default

    , start_time datetime

    , event_class int

    , event_subclass int

    , object_type int

    , server_name nvarchar(256) collate database_default

    , login_name nvarchar(256) collate database_default

    , application_name nvarchar(256) collate database_default

    , ddl_operation nvarchar(40) collate database_default


    select @curr_tracefilename = path from sys.traces where is_default = 1 ;

    set @curr_tracefilename = reverse(@curr_tracefilename)

    select @indx = PATINDEX('%\%', @curr_tracefilename)

    set @curr_tracefilename = reverse(@curr_tracefilename)

    set @base_tracefilename = LEFT( @curr_tracefilename,len(@curr_tracefilename) - @indx) + '\log.trc';

    insert into @temp_trace

    select ObjectName

    , DatabaseName

    , StartTime

    , EventClass

    , EventSubClass

    , ObjectType

    , ServerName

    , LoginName

    , ApplicationName

    , 'temp'

    from ::fn_trace_gettable( @base_tracefilename, default )

    where EventClass in (46,47,164) and EventSubclass = 0 and DatabaseID <> 2

    update @temp_trace set ddl_operation = 'CREATE' where event_class = 46

    update @temp_trace set ddl_operation = 'DROP' where event_class = 47

    update @temp_trace set ddl_operation = 'ALTER' where event_class = 164

    select @d1 = min(start_time) from @temp_trace

    set @diff= datediff(hh,@d1,getdate())

    set @diff=@diff/24;

    select @diff as difference

    , @d1 as date

    , object_type as obj_type_desc

    , *

    from @temp_trace where object_type not in (21587)

    order by start_time desc




    select top 0 1 as difference, 1 as date, 1 as obj_type_desc, 1 as obj_name, 1 as dadabase_name, 1 as start_time, 1 as event_class, 1 as event_subclass, 1 as object_type, 1 as server_name, 1 as login_name, 1 as application_name, 1 as ddl_operation


    end try

    begin catch

    select -100 as difference

    , ERROR_NUMBER() as date

    , ERROR_SEVERITY() as obj_type_desc

    , ERROR_STATE() as obj_name

    , ERROR_MESSAGE() as database_name

    , 1 as start_time, 1 as event_class, 1 as event_subclass, 1 as object_type, 1 as server_name, 1 as login_name, 1 as application_name, 1 as ddl_operation

    end catch</CommandText>




    <DataSet Name="RightPane03">


    <Field Name="trace_enabled">







    <CommandText>begin try

    select top 1 convert(int,value_in_use) trace_enabled from sys.configurations where name = 'default trace enabled'

    end try

    begin catch

    select 0 as trace_enabled

    end catch</CommandText>




    <DataSet Name="RightPane01">


    <Field Name="l1">




    <Field Name="db_name">




    <Field Name="ob_name">




    <Field Name="type">




    <Field Name="date">




    <Field Name="s_name">







    <CommandText>begin try

    declare @enable int;

    select top 1 @enable = convert(int,value_in_use) from sys.configurations where name = 'default trace enabled'

    if @enable = 0 --default trace is not enabled


    declare @db_name table (

    row_no int identity

    , name sysname


    declare @objects table (

    db_name sysname

    , ob_name sysname

    , type nvarchar(60)

    , date datetime

    , s_name sysname


    declare @cnt int;

    declare @name sysname;

    insert into @db_name

    select name from sys.databases where database_id <> 2 order by name desc;

    select @cnt = count(*) from @db_name;

    while @cnt > 0


    select @name = name from @db_name where row_no = @cnt;

    insert into @objects

    exec('use ['+@name+']; SELECT '''+@name+''' as db_name, as object_name,o.type_desc, o.create_date, as schema_name from sys.all_objects o left outer join sys.schemas s

    on (o.schema_id = s.schema_id) where create_date > ( GETDATE() -10);')

    set @cnt = @cnt-1;


    select 1 as l1

    , *

    from @objects

    order by date desc, db_name, s_name, ob_name




    select top 0 1 as l1, 1 as db_name,1 as ob_name, 1 as type, -1 as date, 1 as s_name


    end try

    begin catch

    select -100 as l1

    , ERROR_NUMBER() as db_name

    , ERROR_SEVERITY() as ob_name

    , ERROR_STATE() as type

    , ERROR_MESSAGE() as date

    , 1 as s_name

    end catch</CommandText>




    <DataSet Name="RightPane02">


    <Field Name="l1">




    <Field Name="db_name">




    <Field Name="ob_name">




    <Field Name="type">




    <Field Name="date">




    <Field Name="s_name">







    <CommandText>begin try

    declare @enable int;

    select top 1 @enable = convert(int,value_in_use) from sys.configurations where name = 'default trace enabled'

    if @enable = 0 --default trace is not enabled


    declare @db_name table (

    row_no int identity

    , name sysname


    declare @objects table (

    db_name sysname

    , ob_name sysname

    , type nvarchar(60)

    , date datetime

    , s_name sysname


    declare @cnt int;

    declare @name sysname;

    insert into @db_name

    select name from sys.databases where database_id <> 2 order by name desc;

    select @cnt = count(*) from @db_name;

    while @cnt > 0


    select @name = name from @db_name where row_no = @cnt;

    insert into @objects

    exec('use ['+@name+']; SELECT '''+@name+''' as db_name, as object_name,o.type_desc, o.modify_date, as schema_name from sys.all_objects o left outer join sys.schemas s

    on (o.schema_id = s.schema_id) where modify_date > ( GETDATE() -10);')

    set @cnt = @cnt-1;


    select 1 as l1

    , *

    from @objects

    order by date desc, db_name, s_name, ob_name




    select top 0 1 as l1, 1 as db_name, 1 as ob_name, -1 as type, 1 as date, 1 as s_name


    end try

    begin catch

    select -100 as l1

    , ERROR_NUMBER() as db_name

    , ERROR_SEVERITY() as ob_name

    , ERROR_STATE() as type

    , ERROR_MESSAGE() as date

    , 1 as s_name

    end catch</CommandText>







    <Textbox Name="textbox29">







    <Value>=First(Fields!date.Value, "RightPane01")</Value>








    <Style />








    <Hidden>=IIF(First(Fields!trace_enabled.Value, "RightPane03") =1, True,IIF(Count(Fields!db_name.Value, "RightPane01"

    ) =0 ,True,IIF(First(Fields!l1.Value,"RightPane01") = -100, False, True )))</Hidden>











    <Tablix Name="table2">






















    <Textbox Name="textbox13">







    <Value>Database Name</Value>
































    <Textbox Name="textbox31">







    <Value>Object Name</Value>
































    <Textbox Name="textbox32">







































    <Textbox Name="textbox33">












































    <Textbox Name="textbox39">

























    <BackgroundColor>= IIF((RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2)=0













    <Textbox Name="name">







    <Value />



















    <BackgroundColor>= IIF((RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2)=0













    <Textbox Name="type_desc">


























    <BackgroundColor>= IIF((RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2)=0













    <Textbox Name="date">

























    <BackgroundColor>= IIF((RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2)=0

















    <TablixMember />

    <TablixMember />

    <TablixMember />

    <TablixMember />










    <Group Name="table2_Details_Group">




    <TablixMember />

























    <Textbox Name="textbox36">







    <Value>=First(Fields!type.Value, "RightPane02")</Value>








    <Style />









    <Hidden>=IIF(First(Fields!trace_enabled.Value, "RightPane03") =1, True,IIF(Count(Fields!db_name.Value, "RightPane02"

    ) =0 ,True, IIF(First(Fields!l1.Value, "RightPane02") = -100 , False, True )))</Hidden>











    <Textbox Name="textbox38">







    <Value />








    <Style />









    <Hidden>=IIF(First(Fields!trace_enabled.Value, "RightPane03") =1, True,IIF(Count(Fields!db_name.Value, "RightPane02"

    ) =0 ,True, IIF(First(Fields!l1.Value, "RightPane02") = -100 , False, True )))</Hidden>











    <Textbox Name="textbox12">







    <Value>No objects were modified in last 7 days.</Value>







    <Style />









    <Hidden>=IIF(First(Fields!trace_enabled.Value, "RightPane03") =1, True,IIF(Count(Fields!db_name.Value, "RightPane02"

    ) =0 , False, True))</Hidden>












    <Textbox Name="textbox42">







    <Value>Unable to retrieve data for this section of the report. Following error occurred.</Value>








    <Style />









    <Hidden>=IIF(First(Fields!trace_enabled.Value, "RightPane03") =1, True,IIF(Count(Fields!db_name.Value, "RightPane02"

    ) =0 ,True, IIF(First(Fields!l1.Value, "RightPane02") = -100 , False, True )))</Hidden>











    <Tablix Name="table3">






















    <Textbox Name="textbox27">







    <Value>Database Name</Value>































    <Textbox Name="textbox7">







    <Value>Object Name</Value>
































    <Textbox Name="textbox8">







































    <Textbox Name="textbox14">












































    <Textbox Name="textbox37">

























    <BackgroundColor>= IIF((RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2)=0













    <Textbox Name="textbox20">







    <Value />


















    <BackgroundColor>= IIF((RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2)=0













    <Textbox Name="textbox21">

























    <BackgroundColor>= IIF((RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2)=0













    <Textbox Name="textbox24">
























    <BackgroundColor>= IIF((RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2)=0

















    <TablixMember />

    <TablixMember />

    <TablixMember />

    <TablixMember />










    <Group Name="table3_Details_Group">




    <TablixMember />

























    <Textbox Name="textbox19">







    <Value>=First(Fields!database_name.Value, "RightPane")</Value>








    <Style />









    <Hidden>=IIF(First(Fields!trace_enabled.Value, "RightPane03") =1,IIF(Count( Fields!difference.Value,"RightPane" ) =0, True, IIF(First(Fields!difference.Value, "RightPane" ) = -100, False, True)), True)</Hidden>











    <Textbox Name="textbox17">







    <Value>Objects Modified In Last 7 Days</Value>








    <Style />









    <Hidden>=IIF(First(Fields!trace_enabled.Value, "RightPane03") =1, True,IIF(Count(Fields!db_name.Value, "RightPane02"

    ) =0 ,True, IIF(First(Fields!l1.Value, "RightPane02") = -100 , True, False)))</Hidden>











    <Textbox Name="textbox50">







    <Value />








    <Style />









    <Hidden>=IIF(First(Fields!trace_enabled.Value, "RightPane03") =1,IIF(Count( Fields!difference.Value,"RightPane" ) =0, True, IIF(First(Fields!difference.Value, "RightPane" ) = -100, False, True)), True)</Hidden>











    <Textbox Name="textbox41">







    <Value>Unable to retrieve data for this section of the report. Following error occurred.</Value>








    <Style />









    <Hidden>=IIF(First(Fields!trace_enabled.Value, "RightPane03") =1,IIF(Count( Fields!difference.Value,"RightPane" ) =0, True, IIF(First(Fields!difference.Value, "RightPane" ) = -100, False, True)), True)</Hidden>











    <Textbox Name="textbox40">







    <Value />








    <Style />









    <Hidden>=IIF(First(Fields!trace_enabled.Value, "RightPane03") =1, True,IIF(Count(Fields!db_name.Value, "RightPane01"

    ) =0 ,True,IIF(First(Fields!l1.Value,"RightPane01") = -100, False, True )))</Hidden>











    <Textbox Name="textbox1">







    <Value>Shows changes made in the schema of the objects by DDL operations.</Value>







    <Style />









    <Hidden>=IIF(First(Fields!trace_enabled.Value, "RightPane03") =1, False, True)</Hidden>












    <Textbox Name="textbox30">







    <Value>No objects were created in last 20 days.</Value>







    <Style />









    <Hidden>=IIF(First(Fields!trace_enabled.Value, "RightPane03") =1, True,IIF(Count(Fields!db_name.Value, "RightPane01"

    ) =0 ,False, True))</Hidden>












    <Textbox Name="textbox15">







    <Value>Note: Currently, this report does not have any data to show, because default trace does not contain relevant information.</Value>







    <Style />









    <Hidden>=IIF(First(Fields!trace_enabled.Value, "RightPane03") =1,IIF(Count( Fields!difference.Value,"RightPane" ) =0, False, True), True)</Hidden>












    <Textbox Name="textbox35">







    <Value>Unable to retrieve data for this section of the report. Following error occurred.</Value>








    <Style />









    <Hidden>=IIF(First(Fields!trace_enabled.Value, "RightPane03") =1, True,IIF(Count(Fields!db_name.Value, "RightPane01"

    ) =0 ,True,IIF(First(Fields!l1.Value,"RightPane01") = -100, False, True )))</Hidden>











    <Textbox Name="textbox16">







    <Value>Objects Created In Last 20 Days</Value>








    <Style />










    <Hidden>=IIF(First(Fields!trace_enabled.Value, "RightPane03") =1, True,IIF(Count(Fields!db_name.Value, "RightPane01"

    ) =0 ,True,IIF(First(Fields!l1.Value,"RightPane01") = -100, True, False)))</Hidden>











    <Textbox Name="textbox34">






    <Value>Schema Change History</Value>








    <Style />









    <Hidden>=IIF(First(Fields!trace_enabled.Value, "RightPane03") =1, False, True)</Hidden>












    <Textbox Name="textbox3">






    <Value>Schema Changes History</Value>


























    <Line Name="line2">













    <Textbox Name="textbox2">







    <Value />






    <Style />

















    <Textbox Name="textbox11">







    <Value>Note: Currently, this report is being shown in this format, because default trace is not enabled.</Value>







    <Style />









    <Hidden>=IIF(First(Fields!trace_enabled.Value, "RightPane03") =1, True, False)</Hidden>












    <Tablix Name="table1">




























    <Textbox Name="textbox6">







    <Value>Database Name</Value>































    <Textbox Name="textbox23">







    <Value>Object Name</Value>































    <Textbox Name="textbox5">







































    <Textbox Name="textbox25">







    <Value>DDL Operation</Value>































    <Textbox Name="textbox26">






































    <Textbox Name="textbox28">







    <Value>Login Name</Value>




































    <Textbox Name="textbox4">

























    <BackgroundColor>= IIF((RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2)=0













    <Textbox Name="textbox22">

























    <BackgroundColor>= IIF((RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2)=0













    <Textbox Name="obj_type_desc">







    <Value>=IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 17985,"Aggregate Function ",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 20545,"OTYP_APP ",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 20801,"Adhoc Queries",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 8259,"Check Constraint ",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 8260,"Default(Constraint or Standalone) ",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 20037,"Event Notification ",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 8262,"Foreign Key Constraint",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 20038,"Scalar SQL Function ",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 21318,"Scalar Assembly-Function ",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 21574,"Table Valued Assembly-Function ",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 17993,"Inline table-valued SQL Function",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 21321," Inline scalar SQL Function",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 21577,"Internal Table ",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 22601,"Index",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 16975 ,"Object ",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 20047,"Object Event Notification",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 8272,"Stored-Procedure",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 17232,"Assembly-Stored-Procedure ",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 19280,"Primary-key ",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 20816,"Adhoc Queries ",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 8274,"Rule ",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 18002,"Replication-filter-procedure ",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 8275,"System Table ",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 20051,"Synonym ",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 20819,"Service Queue ",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 21587 ," Statistics " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 22611 ,"XMLSchema " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 16724 ,"Assembly/CLR Trigger " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 18004 ,"Table-valued SQL Function" ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 21076 ,"T-SQL Trigger" ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 8277 ,"User Defined Table " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 20821 ,"Unique constraint" ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 8278 ,"View " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 8280 ,"Extended-Stored-Procedure" ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 22868,"Type ",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 19265 ,"Asymmetric Key " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 21057 ,"AppRole" ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 21313 ,"Assembly " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 20034 ,"Remote Service Binding " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 21571 ,"Service Contract" ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 16964 ,"Database " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 20036 ,"DB Event Notification " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 21572 ,"DB Trigger " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 17222 ,"FullText Catalog " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 19277 ,"Master key " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 21581 ,"Message Type " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 18000 ,"Partition Function " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 21328 ,"Partition Scheme " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 19538 ,"Role " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 21586 ,"Route " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 17235 ,"Schema " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 19283 ,"ObfusKey " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 22099 ,"Service " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 21825 ,"User (AKEYUSER)" ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 21827 ,"User (CERTUSER)" ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 21843 ,"User (SQLUSER)" ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 21333 ,"User " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 21847 ,"User (WINUSER) " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 21831 ,"User (GROUPUSER)" ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 19521 ,"Asymmetric Key Login" ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 19523 ,"Certificate Login " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 17475 ,"Credential " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 21059 ,"Certificate " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 20549 ,"End Point " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 22604 ,"Certificate Login " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 17741 ,"Management Event " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 17747 ,"Security Event " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 18259 ,"Server Role " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 19539 ,"SQL Login" ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 17491 ,"DDL Event" ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 21075 ,"Server" ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 8276 ,"Server Trigger" ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 17749 ,"User Event" ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 18263 ,"Windows Group " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 19543 ,"Windows Login " ,

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 0,"Invalid ",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 1,"Any",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 2,"All",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 4,"Not Adhoc Query",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 65536,"Local",

    IIF(Fields!obj_type_desc.Value = 131072 ,"Remote "

    ,"Unknown Object Type "








    <Style />










    <BackgroundColor>= IIF((RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2)=0













    <Textbox Name="ddl_operation">


























    <BackgroundColor>= IIF((RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2)=0













    <Textbox Name="start_time_1">


























    <BackgroundColor>= IIF((RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2)=0














    <Textbox Name="login_name">

























    <BackgroundColor>= IIF((RowNumber(Nothing) Mod 2)=0

















    <TablixMember />

    <TablixMember />

    <TablixMember />

    <TablixMember />

    <TablixMember />

    <TablixMember />










    <Group Name="table1_Details_Group">










    <TablixMember />















    <Hidden>=IIF(First(Fields!trace_enabled.Value, "RightPane03") =1,IIF(Count( Fields!difference.Value ) =0, True, IIF(First(Fields!difference.Value ) = -100, True, False)), True)</Hidden>











    <Textbox Name="textbox43">







    <Value>This report provides a history of all committed DDL statement executions recorded by the default trace.</Value>







    <Style />

















    <Textbox Name="textbox18">







    <Value />








    <Style />









    <Hidden>=IIF(First(Fields!trace_enabled.Value, "RightPane03") =1,IIF(Count( Fields!difference.Value,"RightPane" ) =0, True, IIF(First(Fields!difference.Value,"RightPane" ) = -100, True, False)), True)</Hidden>














    <Style />



    <ReportParameter Name="ObjectName">





    <Value xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="true" />






    <ReportParameter Name="ObjectTypeName">





    <Value xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="true" />






    <ReportParameter Name="ErrorText">





    <Value xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="true" />






    <ReportParameter Name="Filtered">





    <Value xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="true" />






    <ReportParameter Name="ServerName">





    <Value xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="true" />






    <ReportParameter Name="FontName">










    <ReportParameter Name="DatabaseName">





    <Value xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="true" />


























  • has anyone any ideas on this as I'm still struggling changing the dates looking back

Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 1 (of 1 total)

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