Reporting Serives - Emailing Error

  • Hello

    I have a problem with reporting services, more specifically the scheduling function within Reporting Services. We have been using this function without a problem for about 2 months now to run reports at specified times and then email the report to the recipients with the report included in the email as an attachment.

    This function decided to stop working yesterday for no apparant reason and now the following error is returned for all my subscriptions that work this way:

    Failure sending mail: The Report Server has encountered a configuration error; more details in the log files

    At first glance i thought something has changed in the config files or perhaps the SMTP server it uses to email the reports. But further investigation ruled these both out. I then found that the emailing function of the schedule still works if you chose not to include the report in the email but instead just have a link to the report!

    I am really lost on this one and I dont understand what has caused this to happen. I am running reporting services Enterprise Edition on a Windows 2003 Server with Sql Server 2000 Enterprise Database. I have applied SP1 to reporting services but this does not rectify this error.

    Has anyone come accross this same problem? Any suggestions on how to rectify this will be much appreciated.


  • Hi

    Can you be a bit more specific about your setup? Are you running the Report Server DB on a different server? If so, check out the following KB article:

    Doesn't sound as if this is your problem though, as you say that it was working perfectly well up until a couple of days ago. Nevertheless, you might want to browse through the KB article and go hunting through your trace logs for the error messages that are listed towards the end of the article.

    My best guess would be an OS patch issue. Have you recently patched the OS of the 2K3 Server you're using? If so, a number of the more recent patches are still a little bit 'wobbly' and various people in newsgroups have reported that certain fixes seem to have affected subscriptions in RS. Try running the subscription using a 'supreme being' account (Domain/Enterprise Admin) and see if that works. If it does, then its definitely a subscriptions issue.

    Try installing hotfix 834859, which fixes a bug in 2K3 that relates to programs calling AuthInitializeContextFromSID - not sure if this is the root cause of the problem, but it might help you out as it was released relatively recently and seems to have fixed a number of other folks' problems with subscription-related problems



  • Hi

    Thanks for your suggestions. I am running the report server setup from the same server so I dont think the KB article you pointed out solves this issue for me.

    I am however running reporting services using a local server account but i did change to a domain admin account but this did not make any difference at all. As far as I am aware we have not applied any OS patches but i will double check this with our network admin.

    I will give the hotfix you suggested a go, i have tried everything else so I have nothing to lose!

    I will keep you informed of any progress I make.

    Thanks again.

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