Reporting Services 2008 report data retrieval takes long time

  • I have a stored proc that takes a parameter that based on its value, calls 1 of 2 other procs. When a Reporting Services report calls the proc via a dataset, the data retrieval takes about 83 seconds. When I call the same proc with the same parameters via Management Studio, the result set is returned in about 1.5 seconds. How is this possible?

    The only thing that I can think of is that I changed the stored proc to branch to another stored proc instead of having all the SQL in one proc. Help!!!

  • Update:

    Based on another posting that I found via google, I deleted the main stored proc and the 2 procs called from the main stored proc and recreated them. For what ever reason, this fixed the issue with the time of data retrieval. The report now generates in under 2 seconds. But according to the posting, this is only a temporary solution since after a period of time, the report generation degrades, and he has to delete and recreate the stored proc again.

    Obviously, this is not a permanet solution. Any ideas as to what is happening and how to fix this issue permanently?


  • Sounds like you've got a case of parameter sniffing.

    See this blog post for more details:

  • Awesome. You are the greatest. Thanks for the info.

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