Reporting Services and IIS

  • If we want to put the Reporting Services manager web interface on a different machine from the database server, do we still need to install IIS on the database server? What components of IIS are needed on the database server if we are not going to have a website on that box?

    I haven't seen much in resource to describe an install of SSRS with such a setup, which I assume must be common and natural. Can someone point me at something?

    Thanks -

  • No, IIS is only needed on the report server, not where the reportserver catalog databases are placed and yes, it is a common configuation, especially when you want to have multiple report servers sharing the same catalog databases.

    MSDN gives a whole host of info onthe different configuration options.

    Note that if you decide to split the installation so that the Reporting Services SQL Server Catalog is on one machine and the IIS Report Manager and Report Server are on another machine, you'll need two SQL Server server licenses

    Also worth noting that SQL Sevrer 2008 RS no longer requires IIS at all 🙂

    Kind Regards, Will

  • Thanks - I'm getting there.

    What about Reporting Services web stuff on a 32 bit machine with the database server on a 64 bit. I expect that's ok, but ... any issues?

  • No issues here for me. I have a 64bit SQL with a 32bit IIS machine serving reports quite happily.

    Installation was dead easy too and licensing states that as long as you are connecting SSRS 2005 to SQL 2005, you do not need additonal SQL Server Lic.

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