Reporting Services Login Box always prompting when deploying my report

  • Be sure to deply on 'http://SERVER/ReportServer' and not 'http://SERVER/Reports'

  • Hi

    On your project properties are you pointing the TargetServerURL to http://server/%5Bb%5Dreportserver%5B/b%5D?

  • Thanks guys! I had this same issue again today and couldn't figure out what I had done last time to fix it. Your posts put me on the right track. You need the Web Service URL (not the Report Manager URL in the TargetServerURL property and any subfolders you want your report in go in the TargetReportFolder field, not appended to the TargetServerURL. Whew!



  • Is your RS using other port than 80?

    Provide port # if this is the case:

    EXP: http://Servername:8080/ReportServer

    Gook luck

  • I have had various issues with this...and I am assuming that the problem you are describing is when you are deploying to a remote server. It is to do with your security settings (far from an expert on that one) and I believe that during the deploy process your local windows logon is being used. So far the only way I have got round this (successfully on a number of computers) is to logon to your machine with a username password that is valid on the remote machine/domain or add your username & password to the remote machine e.g. if you logon to your machine with Fred password Bloggs then create a local user on the remote machine with the same user name & password.

    I have tended to create a deployment user that has local admin rights and then logon to my machine with this...this should enable you to deploy. If anyone has a more elegant solution (which there must be) then I would love to know.

  • drobinson-968235 why aren't you using Active Directory to control your security instead of logging everyone in as the same user. If you use AD you can control what reports different users are using. You can setup group security and per user security. I would not suggest signing in everyone with the same user name and password especially with local admin rights.

  • we are controlled by the customer on the AD front....and it isn't everyone logged in only developers who are deploying reports. We did have one site that was using AD but we still encountered the same problem. Set up with AD? perhaps an issue with the configuration of reporting services? we had a general deployment user and and we could deploy remotely whenever we needed to (this was VPN from the office into the customers site)

  • Make sure your Report Project properties: TargetServerURL is set to http://servername/ReportServer

  • I'm facing the same issue. Anyone knows the answer?

  • Look at grasshopper's response right before yours. That should fix your problem.

  • Kevin Stump (1/14/2010)

    drobinson-968235 why aren't you using Active Directory to control your security instead of logging everyone in as the same user. If you use AD you can control what reports different users are using. You can setup group security and per user security. I would not suggest signing in everyone with the same user name and password especially with local admin rights.

    In SSRS 2005 the correct way to use Windows ACL (access control list) is to define authorization section in IIS. The reason AD provider uses LDAP and IIS to resolve users permissions.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Hi, maybe this could be more simple than it seems.

    I also had this problem before. If is the first time you are deploying, the target url is no the Reportmanager url, its the reportservice url.

    If you click on the "help" button on the login window you get hen deploying you can see this note:

    "Note If this is the first time you have published a report to a report server since set you set the deployment property TargetServerURL for a project, verify that the server name you specified is similar to http://localhost/reportserver, and not http://localhost/reports. Specifying the reports directory on the local server instead of the reportserver directory indirectly causes this dialog box to open. For more information about setting TargetServerURL, see How to: Set Deployment Properties (Reporting Services). "

    Hope this helps

  • I was facing similar problem but was managed to solve the problem.

    My environment:

    Vista Professional

    SQL 2008 Express


    A. Fix Report Target Server URL.

    1. In the Solution Explorer, Right Click Report Object.

    2. Click Properties

    3. There is only one Property Page - General

    4. Check TargetServer URL. This should be - http://<machinename>/<reportserver&gt;

    <machinename> = name of your computer

    <reportserver> = Virtual Directory

    This you will get in Report Services Configuration Manager -> Web Service URL

    <<<<Please note: Don't take Report Manager URL>>>>

    B. Fix Service Account.

    1. Report Services Configuration Manager -> Service Account

    This should be LocalSystem or LocalService with Integrated DB access.

    C. Deploy Project

    This is the most crucial step.

    DEPLOY the FULL Project again and not just the individual report - For the first time or whenever you change the settings.

    Hopefully this should solve your problem.

  • B. Fix Service Account.

    1. Report Services Configuration Manager -> Service Account

    This should be LocalSystem or LocalService with Integrated DB access.

    C. Deploy Project

    This is the most crucial step.

    DEPLOY the FULL Project again and not just the individual report - For the first time or whenever you change the settings.

    Hopefully this should solve your problem.

    I am not sure your answer is relevant to this thread because you are in Express and this thread is about full SSRS, your first solution is not valid in Windows 7 because a named instace must use new account created by the person who installed the instance and most large companies deploy reports as needed based on defined requirements.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Mrs Ivana,

    We follow step by step your way to be able to watch a report from SSRS and it's work well


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