Reporting Services, Mulit-Select Parms & Report Filters

  • hello i'm a beginner at this but i think my question is related to this thread


    i'm trying to filter in my "group by" using multiple selections of a parameter called "Year"

    1) i added my report parameter and selected "Allow multiple values"

    [see attached screenshot]

    2) then in my series group properties i added a filter where the value was the report parameter above

    [see attached screenshot]


    a) i have tried




    and selecting IN instead of "=" in the operator field but i just get the error message "Value is not an integer number"

    b) if i use =Parameters!Year.Value(0)

    then the query runs but i obviously only get the first year from the (many) selection

    please help

  • hello everyone.... i'm still stuck on this.... any ideas?

    sorry to bother you

  • I am trying to use the "IN" clause filter on the Data Set as described in this post. As soon as I select "IN" the use of the function goes away. It is grayed out. I'm not sure why it is doing that but it is preventing me from using it. I am using the function to allow the filter to toggle between being used in the selection and not being used.

    Any advice?

    Thank you,


  • What is the data type of "YEAR" from your demandVersusTemp dataset?

    Try this:

    Select your Year field from your dataset.



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