Reporting Services - Page Break Question

  • Dear all,

    Has somebody an idea to how to disable all Page Breaks when report is rendered in HTML4.0 format?

    Thanks, Nico.

  • I would be very interested in a solution to this problem as well. I would still like the printing and pdf generation of the report to use proper page breaks though. Anyone have a suggestion?

  • I do not think there is a solution on the HTML page breaking... it has always been like this... I always print out reports as PDF...

    Moe C

  • I've seen this suggested:

    And according to Microsoft (and I've used this):

    "Although it is not recommended, you can disable soft page breaks by setting InteractiveHeight to 0."

  • Grasshopper is correct - setting interactive height to "0" works fine.

    I use it a lot and have had no issues with it.

  • Setting InteractiveHeight to 0 is fixing the paging issue.

    Thnak You


  • Where do you set interactive height? I can't find it anyplace in the report. It's not in the Report properties nor do I see it on the report server setup?

  • It is under InteractiveSize between columns and Margins in properties, open it and you will see Width and Height set Height to zero.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • I understand it is under interactive height. But where? It's not on the Report Properties page.

  • When you add a report project in the property page is InteractiveSize open it and change height to zero from 11inches.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • I never actually changed it in any of the property windows, I would open the report in the code view:

    Visual Studio 2005 (BI Studio)

    Open the report in layout mode

    Click View - Code

    Then I would search for "Interactive"

    It would first find "InteractiveWidth" and then on the next find it would show "InteractiveHeight" usually the 3rd line from the botton.

    I change it from (whatever - 11in) to 0in.

    Save and close the report then re-open it.

  • I have a doubt about Page Break in SSRS as mentioned below.

    is this page break in SSRS only work for print functionality?

    what about report view if I want to display all records where each record should display on every new page in report view page apart from print preview page.

  • The interactive height setting ONLY impacts the web based report viewer.

    When you go to the Report Manager, run the report, and view it inside your browser.

    Exporting the report seems to use the report's properties and the layout size in there.

    Also you can set certain objects to have page breaks after them. A list box for example could generate a page break after each group it displays, etc...

  • 😀 thank you. this solved my problem. i thought page break on email in format of web archived is automatically set. but you can set Interative Height = 0 to get around this.

  • Hi, Nicolas Schaefer.

    Maybe you can use RAQ Report. As I know, it has a wonderful solution for page break in report.

    It is a free reporting tool, and you can get it at[/url].

    RAQ Report: Web-based Excel-like Java reporting tool[/url]

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