Reporting Services - Where is the error log (getting error on subreport)

  • I'm getting an error in Visual Studio 2005 SP1 on a report I'm creating for SQL Reporting Services 2005.  The report is suppose to use a total of three subreport controls all showing the same subreport but for different levels of grouping.  The subreport will work for the top level control break but not the second or detail.  I've tried running the report with the subreport in just the second level break and again with just the detail but they do not work.
    The error I get in Visual Studio is... Line one "An error occurred during local report processing."  Line two "An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details.".
    So my questions are... 1) Where is the error log located 2) If you happen to know why I might be getting the error that would be great
    Thanks much
  • Anyone else running into this problem?

  • This was a little strange.  I tried the subreport in all three areas with a hard coded parm value (ID) of 3 which is a valid ID so I didn't think the problem was with null values in the ID columns (the second grouping ID was based on an outer join).  I changed the stored procedure to us an IsNull for the ID "IsNull(bID, 0)" and that fixed it.

    From what I read I was lead to believe that the problem was with the parm value being passed but it seems to be that the problem was also somewhere else since I tested with valid hard coded parms with the same error.

    So if you run into this problem don't try and test with hard coded parm values because it still will not work.  Just change your query to make sure that all group levels have a non-null value.


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