Reserved space

  • We have a database that has 100 GB of reserved space. Of that 50 GB is used space.

    As the database is used the database is growing in size, the reserved space is growing.

    How do I get it to use the existing reserved space, first(there is about 50GB) before it increases the size of the reserve space?

  • It uses the reserved space automatically.

    Let me ask a couple questions. Are you giving us total space or data space? Some people confuse the log with the data, and see the log growing. Make sure that you have data spaces (mdf/ndf) growing.

    The second thing is do you have filegroups? Objects don't grow across file groups. If you have one filegroup set as a default, and add data to objects there, it will need to grow, and won't necessarily move to the other file group.

  • Thanks For the reply. I am referring to one physical File (mdf) not the log.

    It is one physical file in a database, which has many physical files. The database is split into file groups.

    The SQL report (disk usage) shows 100GB of reserved space, with 50GB space used.

    However earlier on, the database had 92 GB of reserved space. My understanding was that it would use up all the reserved space first, before growing, but this seems to be wrong as it has grown by another 8GB to 100GB. How do I get it use the 50GB free before grabbing more reserved space ?

  • Ok, double check what you're saying.

    It is one physical file split into many physical files? either you have one MDF, which is one file, one file group, or you have one filegroup with multiple files.

    Don't just look at the report. Check the actual server, and database properties. How many files, how big are they, what is the log size? Be sure you know the details, don't just depend on a report.

  • It is one physical file split into many physical files? either you have one MDF, which is one file, one file group, or you have one filegroup with multiple files.

    Six filegroups. On file mdf per filegroup. But the growth I am concerned with is only occuring on one filegroup.

    Don't just look at the report. Check the actual server, and database properties. How many files, how big are they, what is the log size? Be sure you know the details, don't just depend on a report.

    Sound advise. I never rely just on one report, but decided to refer to one report to lessen the chance of confusion of anyone replying.

  • you must have an object on that particular filegroup that is growing. As mentioned, a table doesn't grow across filegroups.

  • Steve Jones - Editor (8/3/2009)

    you must have an object on that particular filegroup that is growing.

    OK, why is it not using the reserved space for the filegroup and autogrowing the file instead?

  • You have 6 filegroups, not 1. So the way it works is that your files in that filegroup take the data for the tables stored there. If they run out of space, the files within ONLY that filegroup grow.

    Having space in other files/filegroups does not matter. The object is not expanded over there.

    Likely you have too many tables in one filegroup to balance space usage. But that's not typically the purpose for filegroups. They are usually there for performance (separate tables from each other or indexes) or archiving/backup purposes.

  • Steve Jones - Editor (8/3/2009)

    Having space in other files/filegroups does not matter. The object is not expanded over there.

    Yes but the report/queries I have run indicates that I have 60gb of reserved space in this one filegroup alone. It is this Filegroup that is growing. Why then is it autogrowing and not using the reserved space first?

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