Reshaping vertical data to horizontal layout.

  • We have SQL Server 2000 SP3.

    I have records as shown below


    Country             Ind      Amount

    ARG                 1      10

    ARG                 1      10

    ARG                 1      10

    ARG                 2      20

    ARG                 3      10

    AUS                 4      10

    AUS                 4      20

    AUS                 5      30



    Is it possible to get an ouput like a matrix



    Country             1      2      3      4      5

    ARG              30   20      10        

    AUS                                         30      30



    I used the following code to reshape vertically oriented data into horizontally oriented Output. But, with the code below you must know the required number of Ind values.



    Country AS 'Country',

    (CASE Ind WHEN 1 THEN Ind ELSE 0 END) AS Ind1,

    (CASE Ind WHEN 2 THEN Ind ELSE 0 END) AS Ind2,

    (CASE Ind WHEN 3 THEN Ind ELSE 0 END) AS Ind3,

    (CASE Ind WHEN 4 THEN Ind ELSE 0 END) AS Ind4,

    (CASE Ind WHEN 5 THEN Ind ELSE 0 END) AS Ind5,

    Amount AS Amount

    FROM TestMatrixOutput

    Is there a better way of reshaping the data from vertical to horizontal?

    Thanks in advance, Kevin


  • Yes, Thats how Crosstab queries work.

    Why don't you want to use the IND in the query.

    That is the only way to do it.

    But you might want to modify code as so to actually get the totals


    Country AS 'Country',

    Sum(CASE Ind WHEN 1 THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Ind1,

    Sum(CASE Ind WHEN 2 THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Ind2,

    Sum(CASE Ind WHEN 3 THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Ind3,

    Sum(CASE Ind WHEN 4 THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Ind4,

    Sum(CASE Ind WHEN 5 THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Ind5,

    FROM TestMatrixOutput

    Group by Country

    -- (Not tested)

  • Hi...

    there's another soution, using dynamic sql... there is the code...

    note that I'm ading an extra row to have an instance of a missing value for "ind", otherwise there would not be any column for this value....

    CREATE TABLE #TestMatrixOutput (Country varchar(3), ind integer, amount integer)

    INSERT INTO #TestMatrixOutput VALUES('ARG',1,10)

    INSERT INTO #TestMatrixOutput VALUES('ARG',1,10)

    INSERT INTO #TestMatrixOutput VALUES('ARG',7,10)

    INSERT INTO #TestMatrixOutput VALUES('ARG',2,20)

    INSERT INTO #TestMatrixOutput VALUES('ARG',3,10)

    INSERT INTO #TestMatrixOutput VALUES('AUS',4,10)

    INSERT INTO #TestMatrixOutput VALUES('AUS',4,20)

    INSERT INTO #TestMatrixOutput VALUES('XXX',1,15)

    INSERT INTO #TestMatrixOutput VALUES('XXX',3,15)

    INSERT INTO #TestMatrixOutput VALUES('XXX',5,15)

    -- extra line for taking care of missin "6" ind value...

    INSERT INTO #TestMatrixOutput VALUES(null,6,null)

    SELECT * FROM #TestMatrixOutput

    -- the original code

    SELECT Country AS 'Country',

    Sum(CASE Ind WHEN 1 THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Ind1,

    Sum(CASE Ind WHEN 2 THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Ind2,

    Sum(CASE Ind WHEN 3 THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Ind3,

    Sum(CASE Ind WHEN 4 THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Ind4,

    Sum(CASE Ind WHEN 5 THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Ind5

    FROM #TestMatrixOutput

    Group by Country

    --the dynamic sql code

    DECLARE @SQL varchar(4000)

    SET @SQL = ''

    SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ', Sum(CASE Ind WHEN '+CAST(ind as varchar(3))+' THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Ind'+CAST(ind as varchar(3))

    FROM #TestMatrixOutput

    GROUP BY Ind

    SET @SQL = 'SELECT Country AS Country ' + @SQL  + ' FROM #TestMatrixOutput'

    SET @SQL = @SQL + ' GROUP BY Country '

    SET @SQL = @SQL + ' HAVING Country IS NOT NULL'


    DROP TABLE #TestMatrixOutput





  • Here is another dynamic SQL option...

    1. Create a temp table that has an identity column (RowNum) and an integer

    column (IndValue).  

    CREATE TABLE #TempTable (

     RowNum int Identity (1,1) Not Null,

     IndValue int Not Null)

    2. Populate the table with the available values of Ind (INSERT INTO #TempTable (IndValue) SELECT Ind FROM YourTable GROUP BY Ind.  You'll get this...

         RowNum     IndValue

              1             1

              2             2

              3             3

              4             4

              5             5

    3. Now build a SQL string that will build a table and use the values

    of IndValue from your temp table.  You'll need a couple of variables to do


    DECLARE @MaxRow AS integer

    DECLARE @CurRow AS integer

    DECARE @Column AS integer (whatever the datatype of Ind is)

    DECLARE @strsql AS varchar

    SET @CurRow = 1

    --start the SQL SELECT INTO statement

    SET @strsql = 'SELECT COUNTRY, '

    --get the number of rows in the temp table

    SET @MaxRow = (SELECT Max(RowNum) FROM TempTable)

    --loop through the temp table and append to the SQL SELECT INTO statement

    WHILE @CurRow <=@MaxRow


    --get the name of the column from the temp table

    SET @column = (SELECT IndValue FROM TempTable WHERE RowNum = @CurRow)

    --append it as a column name to the SQL SELECT INTO statement

    SET @strsql = @strsql + @Column + '='

    --get the value for the column

    SET @strsql = @strsql + 'SUM(CASE WHEN Ind = ' + @Column + ' THEN Amount ELSE 0 END)'

    'increment the row counter to get the next column name

    SET @CurRow = @CurRow + 1


    SET @strsql = @strsql + ') INTO YourResultTable'


    Your SQL SELECT INTO statement should be like this...

    SELECT Country,

    1 = SUM(CASE WHEN Ind = 1 THEN Amount ELSE 0 END),

    2 = SUM(CASE WHEN Ind = 2 THEN Amount ELSE 0 END),

    3 = SUM(CASE WHEN Ind = 3 THEN Amount ELSE 0 END), etc.

    INTO YourResultTable GROUP BY Country

  • Do you really need to do the pivoting at server side ?

    it will be simpler to just write :

    SELECT Country, ind, SUM(Amount) as Amt

    INTO YourTable

    GROUP BY Country, ind

    and perform pivoting client side

    All dynamic solutions are usually faced with a lot of problems down the road


    * Noel

  • Hi

    I am not totally getting this maybe you can help me please.

    I have data thats return in a vertical manner like

    Col 1                     Col 2

    Division Manager       FourievdM

    TranID                    6232

    Employee Number      0007307

    Comments                Annual Leave

    Balance                   7.74

    Employee Name         jamess

    Date To                   10 Nov 2005

    Date From                8 Nov 2005

    Employee Department SELBY

    ResignationPeriod       False

    I need it to be col 1 as the field name and col2 the value of the field

    Division Manager   TranID      Employee Number

    FourievdM            6232        0007307

    Is this possible any help please.


  • Beware of the 8,000 character limit for VARCHAR variables.

    I wrote an article about pivoting a few weeks back. Please read it at

    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Do you have some field to distinguish between blocks of persons? Or this is only for one person always?

    And please do not sub-threading other people's post. Start your own thread.


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • What will happen when query is longer than 8,000 characters?


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

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