Restore both *.bak and *.trn

  • I am using database maintenance plan to backup both database and log.

    In the case, if I want to resume my db back to previsous state, I can restore form these *.bak and *.trn files.

    But in the other case, if my SQL server got some hardware problems and I have to move my DB to the other SQL server, I can apply *.bak to the new server. But, I can apply the *.trn files.

    My question is, how can I make a backup plan/mechanism to backup both db and log, and I can apply those backups to the original SQL server or another new server?


  • I am assuming that "But, I can apply the *.trn files." should have read "can't apply the *.trn files"? If that is what you meant to type, then my question is why can't you?

    You should have no constraints with applying both data and log backups to the source server or some other server. If you are having problems, can you give some more detailed information as to how you are executing your restore, etc.





    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • There is no difference in restoration of database backup/transaction log backup between your original and new servers. You just need to restore database and logs with option "norecovery" untill you restore last transaction log backup and want to the restored database be online.

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