Restore database

  • Grant Fritchey (10/18/2016)

    I've got an article I wrote on backup testing. You can see all the options available[/url]. As everyone says though, the one way to be sure is to do a restore.

    I would say I'm waiting for the movie to come out, but you've covered that with this fine video already... ;-):-D

    Thomas Rushton

  • Jeff Moden (10/19/2016)

    Deny Christian (10/18/2016)

    Jeff Moden (10/18/2016)

    Deny Christian (10/18/2016)

    I still confuse about Restoring:

    Specify the source and location of backup sets to restore:

    from database

    from device

    what's the different ?

    FROM DATABASE is typically used only when you want to restore to the exact same database that you backed up from.

    FROM DEVICE is typically used when you want to restore from a different backup, like when you want to restore a production backup to a development database.

    tahnk you sir for the explanation.

    If the production server, it must keep online when restoring, while I restore the same database that i backed up from, so the rest means they must redo the job ?

    Anything and everything after the restore point (date/time) that was running or did run will need to be redone. That's why it's important to keep your log files in really good shape and know when to do a tail log backup.

    At this point in time, I'm going to suggest that you need to do some study on the subject of restores. Please start at the following link. Not being snarky here, either. It's one of the most important things that DBAs need to know how to do and they should study it and practice it until they can do it in their sleep. You should also search for RPO, RTO, and disaster planning.

    If you are just getting going, this is the introductory backup article we've been maintaining on Simple-Talk. That might help.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Grant Fritchey (10/19/2016)

    Jeff Moden (10/19/2016)

    Deny Christian (10/18/2016)

    Jeff Moden (10/18/2016)

    Deny Christian (10/18/2016)

    I still confuse about Restoring:

    Specify the source and location of backup sets to restore:

    from database

    from device

    what's the different ?

    FROM DATABASE is typically used only when you want to restore to the exact same database that you backed up from.

    FROM DEVICE is typically used when you want to restore from a different backup, like when you want to restore a production backup to a development database.

    thank you sir for the explanation.

    By The way, I've made Scripts at 'Script' page about Create Sub Directory with Database name and .BAK

    Its the the first time I made, perhaps all of you have time to read and i'm sorry if any mistake at some codes

    thank you

    If the production server, it must keep online when restoring, while I restore the same database that i backed up from, so the rest means they must redo the job ?

    Anything and everything after the restore point (date/time) that was running or did run will need to be redone. That's why it's important to keep your log files in really good shape and know when to do a tail log backup.

    At this point in time, I'm going to suggest that you need to do some study on the subject of restores. Please start at the following link. Not being snarky here, either. It's one of the most important things that DBAs need to know how to do and they should study it and practice it until they can do it in their sleep. You should also search for RPO, RTO, and disaster planning.

    If you are just getting going, this is the introductory backup article we've been maintaining on Simple-Talk. That might help.

    Thank you all for giving me the articles, i'll learn a lot

    by the way, i've made Script at

    Its the the first time I made, perhaps all of you have time to read and i'm sorry if i still wrong at some codes

  • further to Jeff and Grant's posts, some additional reading on backups (including the importance and meaning of RTO and RPO), can be found in the following link. If you are in the position of being asked to look after your companies servers without the benefit of much SQL Server DBA experience and training, the link is a collection of articles with training, reading and advice for what is known in the SQL Server world as Accidental DBA's - people who have suddenly found themselves, possibly unexpectedly, looking after a SQL Server Estate.

    The articles are from a company called SQL Skills, they're held in *very* high regard. Even by the likes of Grant and Jeff, who also have something of a reputation in the SQL Server world.

    Hope you find it useful

    I'm a DBA.
    I'm not paid to solve problems. I'm paid to prevent them.

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