Restore from full backup will break log shipping?

  • We're doing a large schema update this weekend to our main client database. Part of the plan is to restore from full backup if the udpate scripts have to be cancelled for some reason. I'm assuming this will jack up log shipping and I'll have to start it from scratch, but wasn't sure.

    Actually now that I think of it, the schema updates will be log shipped to the standby sql server every 15 minutes so I can now see that log shipping will have to be started from scratch.

  • just to confirm, if you have to restore a logshipped database to an earlier point in time you will have to re-initialise log shipping


  • In the past when creating log shipping with the wizard ( sql 2005 ) I saved the scripts, but have never tried using them. Had any luck using those scripts when you had to re-initialise log shipping?

  • sorry, never personally had cause to use them.

    But as your log shipping set up already exists you won't need to touch it, just disable LS jobs, restore the full backup with norecovery on secondary, move the log backups in the directory share on the primary out of the way (in case you need them in anger over the next few days), delete the log backups in the directory share on the secondary, and manually run a backup,copy,restore cycle to check all in synch. Then don't forget to re-enable jobs like I tend to!


  • AFAIK, George has the correct steps to get this working again.

  • Thanks that sounds easier. Our project is this coming weekend and if we have to abort we'll roll back to Friday night's normal full backup. I'm actually going to ask if we can abandon log shipping for the time being since I've never been able to get enough memory on it to actually support a production load anyway. ( 32gb on prod cluster boxes, 4gb on log shipping standby server )

  • george sibbald (5/18/2009)

    in case you need them in anger over the next few days

    Your newsletter. I want it. 😉

  • Jeremy Brown (5/18/2009)

    george sibbald (5/18/2009)

    in case you need them in anger over the next few days

    Your newsletter. I want it. 😉

    ? do not understand.


  • Hey George,

    He was referring to Homer from the Simpsons. Comic Book Guy used to say, "Your ideas intrigue me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter."

    Homer: So, Mr. Burns is gonna make us all go on a stupid corporate

    retreat up in the mountains to learn about teamwork.

    Which means we'll have to cancel our plans to hang around


    Bart: Teamwork is overrated.

    Homer: Huh?

    Bart: Think about it. I mean, what team was Babe Ruth on? Who


    Lisa+Marge: Yankees.

    Bart: Sharing is a bunch of bull, too. And helping others. And

    what's all this crap I've been hearing about tolerance?

    Homer: Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to

    subscribe to your newsletter.

    -- Bartweek Monthly, "Mountain of Madness"

    Basically, its a compliment 🙂

  • Hi,

    After establishment of logshipping if we took the full back up of the database from the primary server this will sure breaks the Log shipping.

    Once we take the full backup that will cange LSN . Next transaction log wont restore on the secondary server as there will be a mismatch with LSN.

  • pradyothana (5/18/2009)


    After establishment of logshipping if we took the full back up of the database from the primary server this will sure breaks the Log shipping.

    Once we take the full backup that will cange LSN . Next transaction log wont restore on the secondary server as there will be a mismatch with LSN.

    Huh? Taking a full backup of a primary database involved in log shipping does not break it...

  • I hope , If we are taking copy only back up on the primary server it wont break log shipping.

    Full backup will change LSN so that next t-log backup wont restore on secondary.

  • pradyothana (5/18/2009)

    I hope , If we are taking copy only back up on the primary server it wont break log shipping.

    Full backup will change LSN so that next t-log backup wont restore on secondary.

    A full backup does not break the log chain so does not break logshipping. you can restore logs right through a full backup, try it. All the full backup does is put a marker in the log that a full backup has taken place so if it is restored it can do the recovery phase.

    And Jeremy thanks for the compliment 🙂


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