Restore Labelonly from disk running non stop

  • Hello,

    It could just be another Monday with not enough coffee but I'm wracking my brain on this.

    We're having some issues with where our backups write to, so I've been watching and monitoring the performance, when I noticed today that restore labelonly from disk has been running almost non stop for the past few hours.

    The account running the query is the SQL Server's service account, and the program is "Microsoft SQL Server".

    Every minute or so the SPID changes which made me think it was related to the transaction logs, the "restore labelonly" runs for as long as each database in the transaction log backup.

    Example: Database A transaction log backup takes 1 minute and the SPID XX for restore labelonly runs 1 minute

    Database B transaction log backup starts and there is a new SPID for restore labelonly.

    I hope this makes sense because I normally don't see this restore labelonly running.

  • Check if you have "Verify Backup Integrity" enabled on your tlog backups.

    Alex S
  • Thank you for the reply.

    We do have that enabled for our backups, I wasn't sure if this restore labelonly was related to the backups.

    Currently that restore labelonly is running, as I type, but there are not backups being taken at the moment.

    To make matters worse there is a "roll back" happening on a maintenance plan to delete old backups with no end in sight.

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