Restore publication if accidentally set the replicated DB to not "published"

  • How do you go about restore a T-Rep if you accidentally set the replicated DB as not "published" and the publication folder was wiped out.

    PS. do not have the create script

    Any inputs would be greatly appreciated.

  • Create the replication folder manually first...

    Then cleanup your database and its publications and subscriptions if any exists...

    If you have replication script use it to recreate it otherwise do it through replication wizard...

    How come any one remove the replication is multi step process....


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • the thing is I didn't actually drop/delete the t-rep

    what I did was the following:

    sp_dboption 'DBname', 'published', 'false'

    once the script was ran, the t-rep tied to this DB was wiped out.

    Tried to set the value back to 'true' doesn't help.

    Any ideas on how to get the t-rep back??

  • Could you not load a backup of the database and generate the scripts from there?



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