Restoring Differential backup issue

  • Hi all,

    Took Full backup

    created Table1

    Took Tran Log backup

    Created Table2

    Took Diff backup

    Created Table 3

    Took Tran backup

    Now I am creating another database using above.

    how can I restore all 3 backups, can somebody write steps Please in details.

    Because I can restore fullback up (creating another db) no recovery, could apply 1st tran backup with no recovry but when it comes to apply differential backup, it wont let me do it.

  • You can't restore a differential after restoring a log backup. The order of restores must be:

    1. Restore full backup

    2. Restore differential backup

    3. Restore log backup

    So, in your case, if you wanted to create a new database with both tables, you'd restore the full backup with no recovery, then the differential backup with no recovery, then the second log backup with recovery.


  • Greg Charles (9/23/2013)

    You can't restore a differential after restoring a log backup. The order of restores must be:

    1. Restore full backup

    2. Restore differential backup

    3. Restore log backup

    So, in your case, if you wanted to create a new database with both tables, you'd restore the full backup with no recovery, then the differential backup with no recovery, then the second log backup with recovery.

    Or - restore the full backup, the first and second log backups. No need for the differential backup in this scenario.

    Note: the only reason to use differentials is to reduce the number of files being restored or allow for not performing a full backup every night (e.g. weekly full, daily differentials - frequent log backups).

    Jeffrey Williams
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