Restoring latest backup via T-SQL

  • I have a question I was hoping you can answer.  I’m using the following T-SQL command to restore a database:

    RESTORE DATABASE MailServer FROM  DISK = 'D:\MailServer Backup\MailServer.bak'

    My problem is I want to restore the most recent File.  However, if I don’t specify the “File=12” parameter, it always defaults to File=1, which has the oldest data.  Is there a way to specify File=something, so that it always pulls the lastest backup, without me having to know what the last File number is?  For instance, can I  use a wildcard character like File=@, or something like that?


    [font="Verdana"]-- Wally
    -- Reluctant DBA[/font]

  • You might be able to retrieve the latest file number using RESTORE FILELISTONLY command. Put that into a variable and use it in the restore command. I've never tried it, but you could try it.


  • I use this type of script:

    -- Find the latest backup

    DECLARE   @lastbackupID int

            , @backupname   nvarchar(260)

            , @dbname       sysname

    SET @dbname = '<dbname>'


    SET @lastbackupID = (SELECT MAX(media_set_id)

                         FROM msdb.dbo.backupset

                         WHERE database_name = @dbname and type = 'D')


    -- Match it with a physical filename

    SET @backupname = (SELECT physical_device_name

                       FROM msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily

                       WHERE media_set_id = @lastbackupID)

    -- Start restoring

    USE master

    RESTORE DATABASE @dbname    

    FROM DISK = @backupname   


  • Thanks Willem, looks good.

    [font="Verdana"]-- Wally
    -- Reluctant DBA[/font]

  • Another option is to use the WITH INIT clause as part of your BACKUP command. That way, you don't have to deal with media sets at all.

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