Result from 2 tables with no link

  • You can get records if u have diff in No. of Fields / Diff in Data Type like this

    Table 1


    Field1      Integer

    Field2      Desc

    Field3      Date



    Field1      Integer

    Field2      Desc

    Field4      Numeric(12,2)

    SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3, 0 AS Field4 From Table1


    SELECT Field1, Field2, NULL, Field4  FROM Table2

    This is just Example i don't know this will help u out as your purpose of getting data from Tables may be anything else

  • All valid but they are getting a bit "icky"   Two separate resultsets is the clearest way to do it, but depending on your client side library, etc (maybe going to a report engine - i cannot remember the details of this thread anymore!) the unions may be required, but usually as a fallback.

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