
  • I get the following error message for several of my databases when they backup. I thought they just needed the restore value to be FULL but the error still happens after this change is made.

    Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly

    I've read that putting ISNULL in this field will fix the issue, but firstly i don't know where this would be in, secondly i can't guarantee that putting ISNULL will work.

    I'm hoping someone knows about this error and how to fix it.

  • I'm very confused by the question. You're talking about backups, result sets and ISNULL all at the same time. They're not really related to one another.

    If the app is getting result set errors, then there is either a problem with the query (possibly related to ISNULL, but I'd need to see your query to understand for sure) or there is a problem with your connection.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • How are you backing up the database, I assume your using an ssis package which executes a tsql script which in turn expects some input parameters.

    I dont know any other way these error messages are related to a backup operation.

    If your using an execute sql task (to backup )check the result set parameter .It must be single value or Multiple rows if your expecting a output as part of the script execution.

    Jayanth Kurup[/url]

  • My apologies for any confusion, I don't have a whole lot of experience with SQL yet managing our SQL servers was dropped in my lap because we lost our DBA due to job cuts. (I had the most exposure to SQL, so boss says-it's yours).

    The backups are done by a Maintenance Plan. 8 of our 40 databases are failing. I'll post the TSQL script after the exact error message for one of the databases.


    Back Up Database Task (NTASGARD)

    Backup Database on Local server connection

    Databases: AccuRoute Server,AccuRoute ServerArchive,AccuRoute ServerMetaDataSet,BESMgmt,BMSStore2,ConfigManagement,CtxConfiguration,CtxDatastore,CtxRMSummary,gmcdb,master,mdss,mdss_dis,model,msdb,NetPerfMon,PandoraVIA,PandoraVIA_2008,PandoraVIA_2009,Pandor

    Type: Full

    Append existing

    Task start: 2011-07-16T18:00:03.

    Task end: 2011-07-16T19:05:18.

    Failed: (-1073548784) Executing the query "BACKUP DATABASE [PandoraVIA] TO DISK = N'\\\\{internal IP}\\NTAsgard\\PandoraVIA\\PandoraVIA_backup_201107161800.bak' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'PandoraVIA_backup_20110716180002', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10

    " failed with the following error: "A nonrecoverable I/O error occurred on file "\\\\{internal IP}\\NTAsgard\\PandoraVIA\\PandoraVIA_backup_201107161800.bak:" 64(The specified network name is no longer available.).

    BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

    10 percent processed.

    20 percent processed.

    30 percent processed.

    40 percent processed.

    50 percent processed.

    60 percent processed.

    70 percent processed.

    80 percent processed.

    90 percent processed.

    Processed 82536 pages for database 'PandoraVIA', file 'PandoraVIA' on file 1.

    100 percent processed.

    Processed 3 pages for database 'PandoraVIA', file 'PandoraVIA_log' on file 1.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

    Below is the TSQL code

    EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_create_subdir N''\\{internal IP}\NTAsgard\PandoraVIA''


    EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_create_subdir N''\\{internal IP}\NTAsgard\PandoraVIA_2008''


    EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_create_subdir N''\\{internal IP}\NTAsgard\PandoraVIA_2009''


    BACKUP DATABASE [PandoraVIA] TO DISK = N''\\{internal IP}\NTAsgard\PandoraVIA\PandoraVIA_backup_201107171800.bak'' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N''PandoraVIA_backup_20110717180006'', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10


    BACKUP DATABASE [PandoraVIA_2008] TO DISK = N''\\{internal IP}\NTAsgard\PandoraVIA_2008\PandoraVIA_2008_backup_201107171800.bak'' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N''PandoraVIA_2008_backup_20110717180006'', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10


    BACKUP DATABASE [PandoraVIA_2009] TO DISK = N''\\{internal IP}\NTAsgard\PandoraVIA_2009\PandoraVIA_2009_backup_201107171800.bak'' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N''PandoraVIA_2009_backup_20110717180006'', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10


  • Per the above:

    I forgot to mention that in the snippet of TSQL code i copied, only the PandoraVIA database is failing. The other two (pandora_2008 and pandora_2009) are both working.

  • It looks like your backing up to a UNC path. Can you try backing up to a local drive?

    If no space try a USB drive. I found that backing up on the network causes two things. Loss of connection (that's inevitable) and extremely slow conditions with timeouts (due to everyone else backing up).

    I would try eliminating the network first before trying to fix the errors below that. It just might be the cause of both.

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