Retaining the last/latest .bak file not just deleting files older than X

  • I have an issue with disk space on my backup disk array. I can only keep the last/latest bak file there, along with the translogs since that backup.

    Back in the day (SQL 7) I built a long and complex script to backup all the different databases based on the database growth since the last backup and delete backup and trans log files older than a week, but make sure there was at least one backup file and subsequent trans logs in the folder. This was helpful for psuedo-static databases that only were backed up every 2 weeks or once a month.

    Boy I wish I had that script now. But, on we march into the modern age. Time to embrace SSIS.

    I did some quick and admittedly cursory research and could not find anything to help me get to where I wanted to be, so I put together a little bit of code. I'll be modifying it over time to improve it, but I wanted to share the initial concept and code to solicit feedback and see if anyone else is doing something today like I use to do in SQL 7 days.

    I almost put this in the SSIS forum, but this is about a specific strategy for backups and I want feedback from the folks interested in commenting on this backup strategy. Are you guys doing something like this some other way?

    'Delete all backup sets but the last in a folder

    Dim oDirInfo As System.IO.DirectoryInfo = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetDirectoryInfo("C:\JATO\testfolder\")

    Dim oBUList As System.IO.FileInfo() = oDirInfo.GetFiles("*.bak")

    Dim oBUFile As System.IO.FileInfo

    Dim oTRNList As System.IO.FileInfo() = oDirInfo.GetFiles("*.trn")

    Dim oTRNFile As System.IO.FileInfo

    Dim oDIFList As System.IO.FileInfo() = oDirInfo.GetFiles("*.dif")

    Dim oDIFFile As System.IO.FileInfo

    Dim sBUFileToSave As String

    Dim dtBUMostRecent As DateTime = DateAdd(DateInterval.Month, -1, Now())

    For Each oBUFile In oBUList

    If oBUFile.CreationTime > dtBUMostRecent Then

    dtBUMostRecent = oBUFile.CreationTime

    sBUFileToSave = oBUFile.Name

    End If


    If sBUFileToSave <> "" Then

    For Each oDIFFile In oDIFList

    If oDIFFile.CreationTime < dtBUMostRecent Then
    End If
    For Each oTRNFile In oTRNList
    If oTRNFile.CreationTime < dtBUMostRecent Then
    End If
    For Each oBUFile In oBUList
    If oBUFile.Name <> sBUFileToSave Then


    End If


    End If

  • Simple add more disk space on your system. And configure backups of DB's as required.




  • I am surprised at the "throw more disk at it" answer.

    Why add disk space when it is not needed? Having the last backup locally (the other backups go off-site) is a great convenience but not worth a couple TB of data, cumulative.

    Edit, I forgot the most important part. Even with all the space in the world, I won't retain a backup file from a job that is run once a quarter with an across the board, 1 month backup retention. Unless, I do something like above. No?

  • Ignore what the other person said, not cleaning up backups is a waste of space. I stole part of your scirpt because cleaning up backups is important. Thanks! 🙂

  • Hi Neil,

    Your backup strategy seems straightforward to me, that is, keeping on disk only the last backup files. Only thing you have to consider if you take also differential backups, you need both the full and the diff (obviously, you did :). As for transaction log retention: if you want to be able to restore the most recent state, you don't have to keep the TRN files since the full backup, only the last differential. Other than that, nice script.

    Btw, how about powershell? I suggest you moving to that - in a few weeks you can get the basics and then it will boost your scripting performance (ok, boosted mine:).

  • Thanks Erik,

    I appreciate the feedback. I will look into PowerShell. I hadn't thought about it. The trans logs the script is keeping are those logs since the last backup. The ones before it get deleted.

  • I use a similar strategy to move IIS log files to another drive.

    This is VBA code in Excel example.

    Note 1 difference - I order them and can choose how many files I wish to leave.

    Date is not important.

    For I = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count - 1

    Sub dirSearch_myServerName()

    Dim myPath As String

    Dim myDest As String

    Dim myFullDest As String

    Dim myFullDest2 As String

    Dim I As Integer

    Set myFile = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    myPath = "\\myServerName\C$\WINDOWS\system32\LogFiles\W3SVC1"

    myDest = "\\myServerName\D$\Old IIS Logs"

    Set fs = Application.FileSearch

    With fs

    .LookIn = myPath

    .Filename = "*.log"

    If .Execute(SortBy:=msoSortByLastModified, _

    SortOrder:=msoSortOrderAscending) > 0 Then

    'MsgBox "There were " & .FoundFiles.Count & _

    '" file(s) found."

    For I = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count - 1

    'MsgBox .FoundFiles(I)

    myFullDest = .FoundFiles(I)

    x = Len(myFullDest)

    y = Right(myFullDest, 13)

    myFullDest2 = myDest & y

    Z = Right(myFullDest, 12)

    myFile.MoveFile myFullDest, myFullDest2

    Next I


    MsgBox "There were no files found."

    End If

    End With

    End Sub

    Thanks, Greg E

  • At the risk of over simplifying this (I live by the KISS principle)

    set backups up via maintenance plan and place backups for each database in separate sub directories of the main backup directory, then setup different retention periods for each sub directory via the cleanup task.

    If you don't even have space to temporarily store 2 copies of the backups write a stored proc to backup all databases with init, then use the maintenance plan with cleanup tasks just for log backups


  • Adding more disk space is one better option. If you want to keep dialy one day backup then better option is 'With copy_only' so that it will overwrite dialy to same bak file.

  • Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate the knowledge share. It has helped me understand the options.

  • Pradyothana Shastry (5/27/2009)

    Adding more disk space is one better option. If you want to keep dialy one day backup then better option is 'With copy_only' so that it will overwrite dialy to same bak file.

    COPY_ONLY backups cannot be used for point in time recovery nor can they be used as a base for restoring differential backups and do not make sense for regularly scheduled backups.

    To advise using COPY_ONLY backups in this manner is inexcusable.

  • Pradyothana Shastry (5/27/2009)

    Adding more disk space is one better option. If you want to keep dialy one day backup then better option is 'With copy_only' so that it will overwrite dialy to same bak file.

    Why are you repeating what other people have said? What's the point?

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

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