Retiring DB

  • I tried to find article on retiring DBs, but couldn't anything good... Any suggestion please? Any checklist that I can take a look for retiring the DB? Thanks!

  • what do you mean by retiring?

  • It's my checklist. Please feel free to add your points.

    • Create a FULL backup of database.

    • Create scripts for relevant Jobs, Logins etc

    • Take database offline, for some time. (You will find that someone will comeback & ask for the database :-D).

    • Once satisfied, declare ‘the database is officially retired (& will be deleted)’ to team members & management.

    • Give yourself some more time and then DROP the database.

  • @dev: what is the use of doing that, is this means DB tiring?

  • Please clarify what is the purpose of retiring a database?

    You couldn't find anything related on the web, because it's not common thing.

    Upgrade, Migration are the things people do.

    Usually keeping backups of old database helps.

  • ghanshyam.kundu (10/17/2011)

    @DEV: what is the use of doing that, is this means DB tiring?

    I assume OP requested the steps to be followed before making a database unavailable (on PROD box) to users / applications.

  • Please clarify what is the purpose of retiring a database?

    You couldn't find anything related on the web, because it's not common thing.

    Agree it's not a common term. But my BOSS uses it quite often. :hehe:

  • Dev @ +91 973 913 6683 (10/17/2011)

    It's my checklist. Please feel free to add your points.

    • Create a FULL backup of database.

    • Create scripts for relevant Jobs, Logins etc

    • Take database offline, for some time. (You will find that someone will comeback & ask for the database :-D).

    • Once satisfied, declare ‘the database is officially retired (& will be deleted)’ to team members & management.

    • Give yourself some more time and then DROP the database.

    I think this is the best route. The key is to make sure that you can get it back to its original state easily when someone realizes that they weren't really ready to retire it. 🙂



    CE - Microsoft

  • You might want to search for "decommission" or "decommissioning" as well. After a merger last year we had a few systems to retire/decommission and one aspect to consider were legal requirements and requirements from tax authorities. Depending on the type of data you are obliged to keep it for several years (retention period) and this pretty much defines the technical options you have.

    Here my search which should give you some ideas:

  • Here my search which should give you some ideas:

    Caution: The link is suspicious.

  • Are you kidding me? The link might be suspicious but the intention isn't :alien:

    You'll end up here:

  • I like Dev's checklist. By setting a database offline, you are able to quickly get it back in place if you overlooked something and it is still needed.

    The first time that we set a database offline, I found out that my backup script failed when it tried to take a backup of an offline database. Now my backup script checks that the database is online first.

  • I like Dev's checklist.

    Thank You.

  • I think that Dev has a good list. The thing I might do as well is take the script you have for jobs/logins/etc and stick it in an admin table before the backup. Use a single table, a varchar(max) col. I'd also stick a column for @@Version and store that in there as well.

    Over time it's easy to lose track of supporting items.

  • Sending out a broadcast email asking if it's OK to retire a database is good, but depending on the size and organization of the IT department, it's entirely possible for BI contractors, legacy applications or ETL processes sitting in the basement somewhere who are still hitting the database but won't receive or respond to the email.

    So, run a SQL Profiler trace on the login event for a few weeks to confirm who's really using that database.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

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