Retrieving Deadlock Graphs with SQL Server 2008 Extended Events

  • We had couple of deadlock issues,

    but nothing is captured with this query..

    select XEventData.XEvent.value('(data/value)[1]', 'varchar(max)') as DeadlockGraph


    (select CAST(target_data as xml) as TargetData

    from sys.dm_xe_session_targets st

    join sys.dm_xe_sessions s on s.address = st.event_session_address

    where name = 'system_health') AS Data

    CROSS APPLY TargetData.nodes ('//RingBufferTarget/event') AS XEventData (XEvent)

    where XEventData.XEvent.value('@name', 'varchar(4000)') = 'xml_deadlock_report'

  • hello mahesh (9/17/2012)

    We had couple of deadlock issues,

    but nothing is captured with this query..

    First try this:

    WITH SessionData as (


    XEventData.XEvent.value('(data/value)[1]', 'varchar(max)') VarcharResults

    FROM (

    select CAST(target_data as xml) as TargetData

    from sys.dm_xe_session_targets st

    join sys.dm_xe_sessions s on s.address = st.event_session_address

    where name = 'system_health'

    ) AS Data

    CROSS APPLY TargetData.nodes ('RingBufferTarget/event[@name="xml_deadlock_report"]') AS XEventData (XEvent)



    substring(VarcharResults, charindex( 'lasttranstarted="', VarcharResults) + len('lasttranstarted="'),19) ApproxDateGuess

    , cast (



    -- bad tag, should be <victimProcess id="process_______"/>

    when patindex( '%<victimProcess id="process_______">%', VarcharResults ) > 1 then

    stuff( VarcharResults , patindex( '%<victimProcess id="process_______">%', VarcharResults )+34,0,'/')

    else VarcharResults


    , '<victim-list>', '<deadlock><victim-list>'), '<process-list>','</victim-list><process-list>')

    as XML ) DeadlockTree

    FROM SessionData

    ORDER BY 1;

    if that doesn't work, I can think of two things--

    1) If you have a lot of extended events, the ring buffer may have lapped itself

    2) I've seen cases where it appears like an event with bad XML gets stuck in the ring buffer and you can't see past it until the bad event gets over written.

  • Still noluck. I tried searching for key words: 'dead' , 'victim' in xml and not found any.

    May be it got overlapped as the deadlock event occured couple of weeks back.


  • Attached is the script I created using Jonathon's provided code. If you replace all the values I have marked with <xxx in the script and run it, it will setup the deadlock queue for you. It works on all my 2008 and 2008 R2 environments. Change the extension to .sql

  • hello mahesh (9/17/2012)

    Still noluck. I tried searching for key words: 'dead' , 'victim' in xml and not found any.

    May be it got overlapped as the deadlock event occured couple of weeks back.


    If you restarted the instance since the deadlock occurred it won't be in the system_health event session since it is a memory resident target and not persisted across service failures/restarts.

    Jonathan Kehayias | Principal Consultant | MCM: SQL Server 2008
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  • Jonathan Kehayias (9/17/2012)

    hello mahesh (9/17/2012)

    Still noluck. I tried searching for key words: 'dead' , 'victim' in xml and not found any.

    May be it got overlapped as the deadlock event occured couple of weeks back.


    If you restarted the instance since the deadlock occurred it won't be in the system_health event session since it is a memory resident target and not persisted across service failures/restarts.

    The system was not restarted; but it is a very active OLTP system so I m guessing the event might got flushed out. Whats the amount of time or data that it hold in the queue?

    The deadlocks are occurring in batch jobs and is a repeated phenomenon in the system, though for some reason it has not occurred in last two weeks. Do I need to set/check any settings in the server to capture deadlock?


  • Did you look at the script I provided? IT has everything you need to do scripted in it.

  • hello mahesh (9/17/2012)

    Jonathan Kehayias (9/17/2012)

    hello mahesh (9/17/2012)

    Still noluck. I tried searching for key words: 'dead' , 'victim' in xml and not found any.

    May be it got overlapped as the deadlock event occured couple of weeks back.


    If you restarted the instance since the deadlock occurred it won't be in the system_health event session since it is a memory resident target and not persisted across service failures/restarts.

    The system was not restarted; but it is a very active OLTP system so I m guessing the event might got flushed out. Whats the amount of time or data that it hold in the queue?

    The deadlocks are occurring in batch jobs and is a repeated phenomenon in the system, though for some reason it has not occurred in last two weeks. Do I need to set/check any settings in the server to capture deadlock?


    If it's not in the session and the server has been restarted, you are either:

    A: on RTM version and not collecting the graph from a bug that was fixed and should apply the latest SP

    B: having tons of other resource contention issues in the instance that you should look at

    You can skip all of the Extended Events stuff if you use Event Notifications, which is what John sent you the code to do. I haven't looked at his solution, but if it is based on what I did at PASS I am guessing that he just added to the solution and it should allow you to persist any deadlock to a table for later review.

    Jonathan Kehayias | Principal Consultant | MCM: SQL Server 2008
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    Troubleshooting SQL Server: A Guide for Accidental DBAs[/url]

  • Yes Jonathon, it is from the code you provided at Pass. It persists it by sending an email notification and writing it out to a table. Either way.

    On a side note, it is documented in the script (in the procedure comment section) that the code was pulled from your pass summit files and provides a link to where you had them posted.

  • Hey John,

    No worries, I just haven't had the time to go look at the code with teaching at Redmond this week.

    Jonathan Kehayias | Principal Consultant | MCM: SQL Server 2008
    My Blog | Twitter | MVP Profile
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    Troubleshooting SQL Server: A Guide for Accidental DBAs[/url]

  • john.m.couch (9/17/2012)

    Did you look at the script I provided? IT has everything you need to do scripted in it.

    Thanks for providing the script.

    I have limited access to production env, hence could not use it. But have passed it to our DBA for review and implementation.

  • Today we had an instance of deadlock and I was able to see that using the below code..

    select CONVERT( xml, XEventData.XEvent.value('(data/value)[1]', 'varchar(max)')) as DeadlockGraph

    FROM (select CAST(target_data as xml) as TargetData

    from sys.dm_xe_session_targets st

    join sys.dm_xe_sessions s on s.address = st.event_session_address

    where name = 'system_health') AS Data

    CROSS APPLY TargetData.nodes ('//RingBufferTarget/event') AS XEventData (XEvent)

    where XEventData.XEvent.value('@name', 'varchar(4000)') = 'xml_deadlock_report'

    And the output:



    <victimProcess id="process6430748" />



    <process id="process6430748" taskpriority="0" logused="0" waitresource="PAGE: 17:22:8689" waittime="2293" ownerId="2733945332" transactionname="INSERT" lasttranstarted="2012-09-18T09:37:34.633" XDES="0x29f702a900" lockMode="S" schedulerid="13" kpid="2916" status="suspended" spid="137" sbid="0" ecid="0" priority="0" trancount="2" lastbatchstarted="2012-09-18T09:37:34.533" lastbatchcompleted="2012-09-18T09:37:34.533" clientapp="cogent.asset" hostname="-1:war-cog-tml-01v.asset.local" hostpid="2584" loginname="CogentUser" isolationlevel="read committed (2)" xactid="2733945332" currentdb="17" lockTimeout="4294967295" clientoption1="673185824" clientoption2="128568">


    <frame procname="" line="245" stmtstart="20606" stmtend="23180" sqlhandle="0x030011008ad0af3e987a070149a000000100000000000000" />



    Proc [Database Id = 17 Object Id = 1051709578] </inputbuf>


    <process id="process7c33288" taskpriority="0" logused="27340" waitresource="PAGE: 17:22:8434" waittime="2623" ownerId="2733257730" transactionname="INSERT" lasttranstarted="2012-09-18T09:37:13.997" XDES="0x39e9f11950" lockMode="IX" schedulerid="11" kpid="12084" status="suspended" spid="69" sbid="0" ecid="0" priority="0" trancount="2" lastbatchstarted="2012-09-18T09:37:13.890" lastbatchcompleted="2012-09-18T09:37:13.887" lastattention="2012-09-18T05:37:50.263" clientapp="cogent.asset" hostname="-1:WAR-COG-TML-03V.asset.local" hostpid="3740" loginname="CogentUser" isolationlevel="read committed (2)" xactid="2733257730" currentdb="17" lockTimeout="4294967295" clientoption1="673185824" clientoption2="128568">


    <frame procname="" line="245" stmtstart="20606" stmtend="23180" sqlhandle="0x030011008ad0af3e987a070149a000000100000000000000" />



    Proc [Database Id = 17 Object Id = 1051709578] </inputbuf>




    <pagelock fileid="22" pageid="8689" dbid="17" objectname="" id="lock3676adf200" mode="IX" associatedObjectId="72057607072907264">


    <owner id="process7c33288" mode="IX" />



    <waiter id="process6430748" mode="S" requestType="wait" />



    <pagelock fileid="22" pageid="8434" dbid="17" objectname="" id="lock36772e3700" mode="S" associatedObjectId="72057607072907264">


    <owner id="process6430748" mode="S" />



    <waiter id="process7c33288" mode="IX" requestType="wait" />





    It was case the same SP is being called by different App/User and deadlocking in somewhere. Its a complex SP, we are investigating to optimize the code.

    This is awesome! without having to setup anything. I wish we had pictorial representation as well for presentation 🙂


    We are having multiple deadlock issues on different jobs/Procs, so will it be able to show all that occurrence or just the most recent one?


  • If you are able to implement the code I attached you will get a picture representation emailed to you and a XML representation logged to a table.

  • Any time I am running any of the suggested code to grab the deadlock graphs, I am looking at the xml and seeing that object_id in the resource-list is blank. Is it supposed to be this way? The reason I ask is because I found another snippet of code that parses the graph out to log the essential information to a table.

    1. Script to produce graph:

    select CONVERT( xml, XEventData.XEvent.value('(data/value)[1]', 'varchar(max)')) as DeadlockGraph

    FROM (select CAST(target_data as xml) as TargetData

    from sys.dm_xe_session_targets st

    join sys.dm_xe_sessions s on s.address = st.event_session_address

    where name = 'system_health') AS Data

    CROSS APPLY TargetData.nodes ('//RingBufferTarget/event') AS XEventData (XEvent)

    where XEventData.XEvent.value('@name', 'varchar(4000)') = 'xml_deadlock_report'

    OPTION(MAXDOP 1) I use the MAXDOP because parallelism makes my execution time huge the first time I run this.

    2. Add in my parsing script:

    ;WITH log_deadlocks

    AS (

    select CONVERT( xml, XEventData.XEvent.value('(data/value)[1]', 'varchar(max)')) as DeadlockGraph

    FROM (select CAST(target_data as xml) as TargetData

    from sys.dm_xe_session_targets st

    join sys.dm_xe_sessions s on s.address = st.event_session_address

    where name = 'system_health') AS Data

    CROSS APPLY TargetData.nodes ('//RingBufferTarget/event') AS XEventData (XEvent)

    where XEventData.XEvent.value('@name', 'varchar(4000)') = 'xml_deadlock_report'





    DbName = DB_NAME(ResList.KeyLock.value('@dbid', 'INT')),

    ObjectName = ResList.KeyLock.value('@objectname', 'sysname'),

    IndexName = ResList.KeyLock.value('@indexname', 'sysname'),

    ResultingLockMode = ResList.KeyLock.value('@mode', 'varchar(10)'),

    OwnerID = OwnList.Own.value('@id', 'sysname'),

    OwnerLockMode = OwnList.Own.value('@mode', 'varchar(10)'),

    WaiterID = WaitList.Wait.value('@id', 'sysname'),

    WaiterLockMode = WaitList.Wait.value('@mode', 'varchar(10)')

    From Log_Deadlocks

    -- Shred keylock node of the resource-list

    Cross Apply DeadlockGraph.nodes('//resource-list/keylock') ResList(KeyLock)

    -- Shred the owner node beneath the resource-list/keylock node

    Cross Apply ResList.KeyLock.nodes('./owner-list/owner') OwnList(Own)

    -- Shred the waiter node beneath the resource-list/keylock node

    Cross Apply ResList.KeyLock.nodes('./waiter-list/waiter') WaitList(Wait);

    When I look at Jonathan's Extended Event Session Explorer (We are on 2008 R2) I DO see object names for the deadlocks. Any thoughts?

    CE - Microsoft

  • SQLKnowItAll (2/27/2013)

    When I look at Jonathan's Extended Event Session Explorer (We are on 2008 R2) I DO see object names for the deadlocks. Any thoughts?

    I've always had to look things up by HobtId, depending on whether the object is a heap or a btree

    I usually prefer to get the output with one line per deadlocked process sort of like this:

    WITH log_deadlocks

    AS (

    SELECT CONVERT( xml, XEventData.XEvent.value('(data/value)[1]', 'varchar(max)')) as DeadlockGraph

    , xEventData.xEvent.value('@timestamp', 'datetime') StartDate

    FROM (

    select CAST(target_data as xml) as TargetData

    from sys.dm_xe_session_targets st

    join sys.dm_xe_sessions s

    on s.address = st.event_session_address

    where = 'system_health'

    ) AS Data

    CROSS APPLY TargetData.nodes ('//RingBufferTarget/event') AS XEventData (XEvent)

    WHERE XEventData.XEvent.value('@name', 'varchar(400)') = 'xml_deadlock_report'



    DeadlockTime = StartDate

    , ObjectDbName = DB_NAME( isnull(Reslist.KeyLock.value('@dbid', 'int'), Reslist2.RidLock.value('@dbid', 'int') ) )

    , ObjectName = (

    select quotename( + '.' + quotename(

    from sys.partitions p with (nolock)

    join sys.objects o with (nolock)

    on o.object_id = p.object_id

    join sys.schemas s with (nolock)

    on s.schema_id = o.schema_id

    where p.hobt_id = isnull(

    Reslist.KeyLock.value('@associatedObjectId', 'bigint') -- lock is on an index

    , Reslist2.RidLock.value('@associatedObjectId', 'bigint') -- lock is on a heap



    , Spid = ProList.Process.value('@spid', 'int')

    , Terminated = case when ProList.Process.value('@lastattention', 'datetime') is not null then 'Y' else 'N' end

    , LastTranStarted = ProList.Process.value('@lasttranstarted', 'datetime')

    , LoginName = ProList.Process.value('@loginname', 'sysname')

    , IsolationLevel = ProList.Process.value('@isolationlevel', 'nvarchar(400)')

    , InputBuf = ProList.Process.value('./inputbuf[1]', 'varchar(max)')

    , InputBufLine = ProList.Process.value('./executionStack[1]/frame[1]/@line', 'int')

    , SessionDbName = DB_NAME( ProList.Process.value('@currentdb', 'int') )

    , HostName = ProList.Process.value('@hostname', 'nvarchar(400)')

    , ClientApp = ProList.Process.value('@clientapp', 'nvarchar(400)')

    , DeadlockGraph

    FROM Log_Deadlocks

    -- One row for each <process> node in <process-list>

    CROSS APPLY DeadlockGraph.nodes('//process-list/process') ProList(Process)

    -- Grab the first <keylock> from <resource-list> for an index lock

    OUTER APPLY DeadlockGraph.nodes('//resource-list/keylock[1]') ResList(KeyLock)

    -- Grab the first <ridlock> from <resource-list> for a heap lock

    OUTER APPLY DeadlockGraph.nodes('//resource-list/ridlock[1]') ResList2(RidLock)

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