Retruning Clause ?

  • Hi,

    In Oracle, the below query is valid :

    insert into test(sno,sno1) values(1,2) returning id into val_ret;

    // The above query in Oracle returns the affected row id's to the PL/SQL or host vriable(val_ret)

    Is there any equivalent for the above in SQL Server ?

    Please advice,



  • Though 'retruning' is a great-sounding word, I think you mean returning?

    Great question - I'm assuming that you're performing an insert to a table with an auto-incrementing PK and want to know what the value of the PK will be, for this inserted record, after insert?

    I'd be interested to hear what other people here say - I have always ensured that I have inserted something unique (and known at time of insert) and then done a select query afterwards to determine the value of the new record's PK after insert.



    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • If by 'row id' SQL Server's identity is implied, you can use either of SCOPE_IDENTITY, IDENT_CURRENT, or @@IDENTITY.

    They are slightly different in how they work, look up 'SCOPE_IDENTITY' in BOL and read there. There's a good explanation there about the differences.


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