Return minimum of two values

  • Hi,

    I need to return the minimum of two values in SQL Server 2000.

    Something like

    Select min ('10 Apr 2008', '20 Apr 2008') and it returns 10 Apr 2008.

    Can someone help here?


  • Try this. It will give you the min date. But I tried this in SQL Server 2005. You change this to SQL Server 2000.

    Actually, I have displayed the minimum date from two different tables.

    select distinct Mindate =


    when min(de.ModifiedDate) > min(em.HireDate) then min(em.HireDate)

    else min(de.ModifiedDate)


    from HumanResources.Department as de,HumanResources.Employee as em

    Let me know, If you have any problem.


    Preetha SG

  • Thanks for this Preetha !

    But my logic for getting the dates is complex and involves big queries and writing the same thing twice for min dates will make it difficult.

    I am needed to stick it in a VIEW so cannot use variables as well.


  • Hi,

    You can use without using that variable also.

    select distinct


    when min(de.ModifiedDate) > min(em.HireDate) then min(em.HireDate)

    else min(de.ModifiedDate)


    from HumanResources.Department as de,HumanResources.Employee as em

    Let me know, If you are still having problem. If so, explain your problem in detail.


    Preetha SG

  • see if the below makes some sense, I need help in the THEN part below.

    [A] = ( Select A =


    -- I am in a view and for a given condition (mentioned in When below)

    When ((Select count (distinct sign(Qty)) from x With (NoLock) where xtype= 'S' and status = 'LIVE') =2)

    Then -- I need to select minimum of the two dates returned from below

    Select max(DayDt) from x With (NoLock) where xtype= 'S' and status = 'LIVE' and Qty > 0

    Select max(DayDt) from x With (NoLock) where xtype= 'S' and status = 'LIVE' and Qty < 0

    Else (0)



  • 2 suggestions:

    1 - with variables

    declare @distinctQTY bigint

    select @distinctQTY = count (distinct sign(Qty)) from x With (NoLock) where xtype= 'S' and status = 'LIVE') =2

    declare @maxDayQtyGTZero datetime

    select @maxDayQtyGTZero = max(DayDt) from x With (NoLock) where xtype= 'S' and status = 'LIVE' and Qty > 0

    declare @maxDayQtyLTZero datetime

    select @maxDayQtyLTZero = max(DayDt) from x With (NoLock) where xtype= 'S' and status = 'LIVE' and Qty < 0

    declare @mindate

    set @mindate = case when isnull(@maxDayQtyGTZero, getdate()) < isnull(@minDayQtyGTZero, getdate()) then isnull(@maxDayQtyGTZero, getdate()) else isnull(@minDayQtyGTZero, getdate()) end

    select @distinctQTY as DistinctQuantity, @maxDayQtyGTZero as MaxDayQtyGreaterThanZero, @maxDayQtyLTZero as MaxDayQtyLessThanZero, @mindate as AbsoluteFirstDate

    2 - In the select

    [A] = ( Select A =


    -- I am in a view and for a given condition (mentioned in When below) -----ps. A view wont allow dynamics such as variables (for example your status and xtype), you most probably would have a table valued function, or even better and faster a compiled stored proc

    When ((Select count (distinct sign(Qty)) from x With (NoLock) where xtype= 'S' and status = 'LIVE') =2)

    Then -- I need to select minimum of the two dates returned from below

    ----something like this?

    case when

    Select max(DayDt) from x With (NoLock) where xtype= 'S' and status = 'LIVE' and Qty > 0

    < Select max(DayDt) from x With (NoLock) where xtype= 'S' and status = 'LIVE' and Qty < 0

    then Select max(DayDt) from x With (NoLock) where xtype= 'S' and status = 'LIVE' and Qty > 0

    else Select max(DayDt) from x With (NoLock) where xtype= 'S' and status = 'LIVE' and Qty < 0


    Else (0)


    However, option 2 has a zillion subselects which will have an adverse impact on performance. I recently had one propellerhead put a lot of subselects into his column selection (i.e. it wasnt represented in the join). So when he started to notice a real degradation in performance, we were able to revise the queries a little smarter and it returned to subsecond response.

    Good luck!


  • Variable in views are out of question... I have a limitation that I have to do it in view only... this is what is happening, that subqueries are impacting the performance.

    thanks for your time anyways.

  • Write a UDF for this.

    Your query performance is going to be pretty bad because of the CASE statements anyway, eliminate the headache.

    [font="Courier New"]CREATE FUNCTION dbo.MinDate(@Date1 DATETIME, @Date2 DATETIME) RETURNS DATETIME




    SET @Ret = (SELECT CASE WHEN @Date1 < @Date2 THEN @Date1 ELSE @Date2 END)



  • I'd say the CASE statement (sans variables) or the UDF are your best bets. You'll need to test them both to know for sure which works better with your structures.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • yes seems like... I hate bad designs, would need to live with it this time... UDF is not permitted in my org... so CASE seems the only option.

    Thanks everybody !


    WHEN Pos = '19000101' AND Neg = '19000101' THEN 0

    WHEN Pos = '19000101' THEN Neg

    WHEN Neg = '19000101' THEN Pos

    WHEN Pos < Neg THEN Pos

    ELSE Neg


    FROM (

    SELECT MAX(CASE WHEN Qty > 0 THEN DayDt ELSE '19000101' END) AS Pos,

    MAX(CASE WHEN Qty < 0 THEN DayDt ELSE '19000101' END) AS Neg


    WHERE xType = 'S'

    AND Status = 'LIVE'

    ) AS d

    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • I've run into orgs before that don't allow UDF or stored proc's becasue the code is not in a 'code safe' (ie: Visual SourceSafe) like all their Java code. This truly handcuffs some of the best features of SQL Server, like compiled and optimized code.

    Without UDF or SP's you are limited to CASE statements in your views. Get your org to look into the Visual Studio Team app that allows all SQL Code to be stored in it's code safe, giving you E2E audit trail of every version allowing you to roll changes forwards and backwards at will. Even allows you to do the same with DDL. Good luck with the CASE.

  • Inline table value functions are processed as derived tables and you can write them as such (works great in MySQL which doesn't support table valued functions) even inside a CROSS APPLY or OUTER APPLY. Otherwise you are screwed to being limited to case statements.

    CASE WHEN @Date1 < @Date2 THEN @Date1 ELSE @Date2 END would work in concept. You'll have to substitute your aggregates in the @data vars.

  • Once again SQLServerCentral has bailed me out quickly. Thanks for your post. I had not thought of writing my own function. I use them occasionally, but not often enough to have the idea come to mind right away. I appreciate your help.:)

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