Returning multiple TOP records?

  • Ok all, here is my setup: I have the following tables -

    tblPerson - holds basic person data.

    tblPersonHistorical - holds a dated snapshot of the fkPersonId, fkInstitutionId, and fkDepartmentId

    tblWebUsers - holds login data specific to a web account, but not every person will have a web account

    I want to allow my admins to search for users (persons) with web accounts. They need to be able to search by tblPerson.FirstName, tblPerson.LastName, tblInstitutions.Institution, and tblDepartments.Department. The only way a Person record is joined an Institution or Department record is through many -> many junction table tblPersonHistorical.

    People place orders and make decisions in our system. Because people can change institutions and departments, we need an historical snapshot of where they worked at the time they placed an order or made a decision. Of course that means some folks will have multiple historical records. That all works fine.

    So when an admin user wants to search for webusers, I only want to return data, if possible, from he most recent/current historical records. This is where I am getting bogged down. When I search for a specific webuser I simply do a TOP 1 and ORDER BY DateCreated DESC. That returns only the current historical record for that person/webuser.

    But what if I want to return many different webusers, and only want the TOP 1 historical for each returned?

    Straight TOP by itself won't do it.

    GROUP BY by itself won't do it.

    I am convinced I need something akin to a RBAR solution. Maybe a correlated subquery?

    Any thoughts?

  • care to provide some sample scripts of create tables/ insert sample data and expected outcome based on the data you provide....will be easier to provide a tested solution for you.

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • kpwimberger (7/10/2014)

    Ok all, here is my setup: I have the following tables -

    tblPerson - holds basic person data.

    tblPersonHistorical - holds a dated snapshot of the fkPersonId, fkInstitutionId, and fkDepartmentId

    tblWebUsers - holds login data specific to a web account, but not every person will have a web account

    I want to allow my admins to search for users (persons) with web accounts. They need to be able to search by tblPerson.FirstName, tblPerson.LastName, tblInstitutions.Institution, and tblDepartments.Department. The only way a Person record is joined an Institution or Department record is through many -> many junction table tblPersonHistorical.

    People place orders and make decisions in our system. Because people can change institutions and departments, we need an historical snapshot of where they worked at the time they placed an order or made a decision. Of course that means some folks will have multiple historical records. That all works fine.

    So when an admin user wants to search for webusers, I only want to return data, if possible, from he most recent/current historical records. This is where I am getting bogged down. When I search for a specific webuser I simply do a TOP 1 and ORDER BY DateCreated DESC. That returns only the current historical record for that person/webuser.

    But what if I want to return many different webusers, and only want the TOP 1 historical for each returned?

    Straight TOP by itself won't do it.

    GROUP BY by itself won't do it.

    I am convinced I need something akin to a RBAR solution. Maybe a correlated subquery?

    Any thoughts?

    As JLS suggested posting ddl and sample data would be a big help. However, I think what you need is to create a cte with ROW_NUMBER and partition it by UserID and Institution. Then you can select from the cte where your row number = 1.

    something like this:

    with myCTE as


    select SomeColumns, ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION by UserID, InstitutionID order by DateCreated DESC) as RowNum

    from tblPerson p

    join tblWebUsers w on w.UserID = p.UserID

    join tblPersonHistorical ph on ph.SomeID = p.SomeID


    select *

    from myCTE

    where RowNum = 1

    /suggestion on

    BTW, starting every table name with tbl is not a great practice. This type of naming is commonly referred to as tbling.

    I also notice you have columns named fkPersonId. Ideally a data point should not change names based on the usage or the table it is in. It should be PersonID in every table. When you start naming tables or columns by their usage you end up with really strange names and it is a real PITA to work with.

    /suggestion off


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  • Thanks folks. I will see if I can create some generic example code.

    I have not worked with CTEs and partitions, so I'll have to do some research on those. But I *think* I follow what you mean.

    I have had the tblWhatever conversation before. I stick with it because I have traditionally done some scrubbing of SQL in code, and since I prefix all tables with tbl, I can use that as a regular expression hook to find malicious intent. I have never had an issue with it.

    The pk, fk bit I realize is a bit old. I started out doing that so I could disambiguate the columns quickly when reading through long SQL. Probably time to try some new tricks. 😉

  • kpwimberger (7/10/2014)

    Thanks folks. I will see if I can create some generic example code.

    I have not worked with CTEs and partitions, so I'll have to do some research on those. But I *think* I follow what you mean.

    I have had the tblWhatever conversation before. I stick with it because I have traditionally done some scrubbing of SQL in code, and since I prefix all tables with tbl, I can use that as a regular expression hook to find malicious intent. I have never had an issue with it.

    The pk, fk bit I realize is a bit old. I started out doing that so I could disambiguate the columns quickly when reading through long SQL. Probably time to try some new tricks. 😉

    Glad you were able to at least follow what I was trying to say. Post back with some ddl and sample data if you get stuck and I will be happy to help.

    I understand it is difficult to change habits. As for disambiguating you should alias your tables and always use that alias in your column list. It removes all doubt. 😉


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  • I am still trying to wrap my head around CTE and Partition and OVER. In the meantime, here are the table defs. Table aspnet_Membership was what I referred to as tblWebUsers in an earlier post as that is its function.

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblPerson]


    [pkPersonId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [fkMembershipUserID] [uniqueidentifier] NULL,

    [NetworkId] [varchar](4) NULL,

    [IsEnabled] [bit] NULL,

    [fkRoleCode] [varchar](6) NULL,

    [FirstName] [varchar](20) NULL,

    [LastName] [varchar](25) NULL,

    [Phone1] [varchar](20) NULL,

    [Email] [varchar](60) NULL,

    [Comments] [varchar](2000) NULL,

    [CreatedOn] [datetime] NULL


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblPersonInstitutionHistorical]


    [pkPersonHistoryId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [fkPersonId] [int] NOT NULL,

    [fkInsititutionId] [int] NOT NULL,

    [fkDeptId] [int] NULL,

    [DateRecordAdded] [datetime] NOT NULL


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[aspnet_Membership]


    [ApplicationId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,

    [UserId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,

    [Password] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,

    [Email] [nvarchar](256) NULL,

    [IsApproved] [bit] NOT NULL,

    [IsLockedOut] [bit] NOT NULL,

    [CreateDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [Comment] [ntext] NULL


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblInstitutions]


    [pkInstitutionId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [Institution] [varchar](75) NOT NULL,

    [fkInstTypeId] [int] NULL


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblDepts]


    [pkDeptId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [Dept] [varchar](75) NULL,

    [fkInstitutionId] [int] NOT NULL,

    [IsMain] [bit] NULL,

    [fkCenterId] [int] NULL,

    [fkDivisionId] [int] NULL,

    [Address1] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [Address2] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [City] [varchar](25) NULL,

    [State] [char](2) NULL,

    [Zip] [varchar](9) NULL,

    [FedexNumber] [varchar](15) NULL


    I will post what I come up with as a first attempt.

  • You should also be able to use a CROSS APPLY to a "SELECT TOP (1) ..." to get the most recent row for any given user.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • With the following code, you can at least get the most recent historical record for each personid:


    SELECT PH.fkPersonId, MAX(PH.DateRecordAdded) AS DateRecordAdded

    FROM tblPersonInstitutionHistorical AS PH

    GROUP BY PH.fkPersonId


    SELECT H.*

    FROM tblPersonInstitutionHistorical AS H


    ON H.fkPersonId = MR.fkPersonId

    AND H.DateRecordAdded = MR.DateRecordAdded

  • Steve, that did it! I am a bit embarrassed that I didn't think of a simple MAX() function. That was slick and spot on. Thanks.


  • Glad I could help, and thanks for the update.

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