Returning the last row grouped by part of the fields

  • I need to select the last row of a table after grouping. I have something that works, but it seems there should be a simpler way to do this..

    IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#t1', N'U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #t1;


    create table #t1 (

    SiteStatusStart datetime NULL,

    site_key int not null,

    p_key int NOT NULL,

    SiteStatus varchar(16) NOT NULL,

    SiteType varchar(16) NOT NULL,

    SiteVR_key int)

    insert into #t1 values('2008-12-03', '10', '412', 'Active','Prime','31461')

    insert into #t1 values('2006-06-14','20','787','Active','Prime','13947')

    insert into #t1 values('2006-07-14','8','787','Active','Prime','14284')

    insert into #t1 values('2006-07-18','8','787','Active','Prime','14303')

    insert into #t1 values('2008-06-10','8','787','Active','Prime','25595')

    insert into #t1 values('2008-06-19','10','787','Active','Prime','26095')

    insert into #t1 values('2006-09-22','20','961','Active','Prime','15270')

    insert into #t1 values('2005-08-26','22','1001','Active','Prime Only','7901')

    insert into #t1 values('2005-09-02','29','1001','Active','Prime','7960')

    insert into #t1 values('2006-09-08','20','1001','Active','Prime','14898')

    insert into #t1 values('2006-11-09','20','1001','Active','Prime','16005')

    insert into #t1 values('2006-11-09','20','1001','Active','Prime','16086')

    insert into #t1 values('2007-05-09','20','1001','Site wont use','Prime','18439')

    insert into #t1 values('2008-09-25','10','1001','Removed ','Prime','29037')

    insert into #t1 values('2005-12-22','20','1176','Active','Prime Only','9286')

    insert into #t1 values('2006-01-20','20','1176','Active','Prime Only','10165')

    insert into #t1 values('2006-02-22','20','1176','Removed ','Prime','11689')

    insert into #t1 values('2006-05-25','20','1176','Active','Prime','13755')

    insert into #t1 values('2006-05-25','20','151', 'Removed ','Prime','13756')

    insert into #t1 values('2008-08-12','20','1176','Active','Prime','27834')

    insert into #t1 values('2009-04-24','10','1176','Site wont use ','Prime','34503')

    insert into #t1 values('2005-08-26','20','1312','Active','Prime Only','7908')

    insert into #t1 values('2005-09-01','20','1312','Removed ','Prime Only','7956')

    insert into #t1 values('2005-09-02','25','1312','Active','Prime Only','7988')

    insert into #t1 values('2005-09-07','10','1312','Removed ','Prime','8008')

    select * from #t1 order by site_key, p_key, SiteVR_key

    select B.*

    from (SELECT site_key, p_key

    ,max(SiteVR_key) as maxID

    from #t1

    group BY site_key, p_key) as A

    inner join #t1 as B

    on B.SiteVR_key = A.maxID

    order by B.site_key, B.p_key

  • Try this:

    ;with cte as


    select row_number() over ( partition by site_key, p_key order by SiteVR_key desc ) RN ,*

    from #t1


    select * from cte where rn = 1

  • Thanks. That is faster and cleaner than my code.

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