Review: EditPlus

  • Edit plus. With this I could always color the current line. Find + Replace complex regular expressions, Infact I use this as my complete java project tool. I compile, edit errors, and create WAR (java archive) files that gets auto deployed into a app server folder. Ant + EditPlus works great. Infact I so much like the editor that I dont have many .txt files but my .e+ , And have it default opened it with EditPlus(e+) ... 🙂

    Try these CTR + m, CTR + d

    and also ShiftKey with the above combination.

    CTR + r /to select line

    CTR + i /to indent lines

    CTR + q /to record ur HOT key



    Edited by - Buell on 07/22/2003 08:03:31 AM


  • This reminds me of the emacs vs. vi debates we used to always get in on the Unix side. I use Textpad heavily because it does what I need. But if we're going to get into a debate, nothing beats vi (if only for nostalgia reasons).

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Hi Brian,


    This reminds me of the emacs vs. vi debates we used to always get in on the Unix side. I use Textpad heavily because it does what I need. But if we're going to get into a debate, nothing beats vi (if only for nostalgia reasons).

    sure you have no masochistic addiction?

    vi is certainly a great editor for people who like to work only with the keyboard and have a photographic memory on shortcuts.

    To get an impression for those of you who don't know vi enjoy this one

    P.S.: My current favorite on Linux is

    Further I like Netbeans' editor, but Netbeans itself could kill you on a P500 with only 256MB of RAM.



    Edited by - a5xo3z1 on 07/23/2003 02:45:16 AM

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • quote:

    sure you have no masochistic addiction?

    vi is certainly a great editor for people who like to work only with the keyboard and have a photographic memory on shortcuts.

    I have been accused on more than one occasion of being a command-line junkie, since I'll go to a command prompt to do most of my Windows administrative tasks rather than wait for the stupid GUI to come up, enumerate, etc. So yeah, I do fit this description.

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • quote:

    I have been accused on more than one occasion of being a command-line junkie, since I'll go to a command prompt to do most of my Windows administrative tasks rather than wait for the stupid GUI to come up, enumerate, etc. So yeah, I do fit this description.

    let me guess..

    You're a great fan of mc (on unix) and nc (on windows)?



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • quote:

    ....commenting in Edit Plus. Not as easy as a hot key, but pretty close.

    You can also customise all of the key commands:

    tools > preferences > ( tools > keyboard subnav )

    In addition to Buell's tips, my favorite Edit plus key command is CTRL + J, Duplicate current line

  • I've loved TextPad since the day I found it. Editplus sounds very similar. I'll check it out.

    The one thing I might not like about Editplus is not being able to open multiple file at once. I have several script files for one project. I'll browse to the directory where they live and select all or the ones I want and do a right-click and select TextPad. It opens TextPad and all of the files I selected. I don't know if a can give that up.

  • You can do this in EditPlus. It adds a Right click menu item and you can select multiple files and open them at once.

    I used this to "mass edit" a few hundred ini files a couple years ago.

    Steve Jones

  • I, too, have used UE for years, but only as a notepad replacement.  How do you :

    1. Set up UE to pass in SQL queries & display results? 
    2. Get it to "beautify" already existing SQL (and other?)code?  This includes sending keywords to uppercase, proper indenting, and matching case of first occurrence of variable names.
    3. Any other hints/tips/suggestions you can make so I can get rid of QA?

    Thanks a lot!


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