Rights to view\run jobs

  • What role or rights do I give a user to be able to see jobs in Enterprise Manager and run them? I just want to give the bare minimum rights for this.

    I'm using SQL 7


  • First you will need to check public permissions and take away whatever rights you don't want your users to have.  They will need sp_start_job to run the job, but you might also want to give them sp_help_jobschedule and sp_help_jobhistory.


  • SQL Server 2000 has a built-in role named TargetServerRole which has built-in permissions to see and run jobs.  Add the role to MSDB and then add the user to the role.

  • Marysa,

    You need to understand who is running the job and give the appropriate permissions on objects or Windows permissions. For Example:

    In Enterprise Manager that has a server registered using Windows Authentication I created a job that runs Calc.exe (Calculator) as  type Operating System Command with Owner of the job SA. I am running the job in Enterprise Manager by right-clicking and selecting Start Job from the Context Menu. Calculator starts without user interface and I can see it in the Task Manager. Then I stop the job. In the Job History if I click Show Step Details is says:

    Step ID 0 Job Outcome: ....The Job was invoked by User MyDomain\myself (my Windows login)

    Step ID 1 Run Calculator: ....Executed as user: MyWorkstation\SYSTEM

    This shows that there are 2 users who need permissions and rights: a person who is the owner of the job needs permissions on the resources that the job will actually access. In this case the owner is SA who from the point of view of Windows has credentials of SQL Server startup account, which is SYSTEM on my workstation. Then a person who starts the job, in this case this was MyDomain\myself my Windows login need permissions to start the job as was explained in the previous posts.



    Regards,Yelena Varsha

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