Roll up of a column in dynamic query

  • HI

    This is data in the table

    ClientId Ad TagId Name Total

    1 D1 47 American 1000

    1 D2 47 American 500

    1 D3 47 American 300

    1 D4 48 Hispanic 1000

    1 D5 48 Hispanic 200

    This is the result when I pivot the table

    ClientId TagId Name D1 D2 D3 D4 D5

    1 47 American 1000 500 300 0 0

    1 48 Hispanic 0 0 0 1000 200

    you can copy the following code

    create table #TestTable


    ClientId int

    ,Ad varchar(10)

    ,TagID int

    ,[Name] varchar(10)

    ,Total int


    Insert #TestTable values (1 , 'D1', 47, 'American', 1000)

    Insert #TestTable values (1 , 'D2', 47, 'American', 500)

    Insert #TestTable values (1 , 'D3', 47, 'American', 300)

    Insert #TestTable values (1 , 'D4', 48, 'Hispanic', 1000)

    Insert #TestTable values (1 , 'D5', 48, 'Hispanic', 200)

    DECLARE @columns VARCHAR(8000)

    DECLARE @columns2 VARCHAR(8000)


    SET @Columns = SUBSTRING((SELECT DISTINCT ',['+Ad+']' FROM #TestTable GROUP BY Ad FOR XML PATH('')),2,8000)

    SET @Columns2 = SUBSTRING((SELECT DISTINCT ',ISNULL(['+Ad+'],0) AS ['+Ad+']' FROM #TestTable GROUP BY Ad FOR XML PATH('')),2,8000)

    SET @SQL = 'SELECT Clientid, TagId, [Name],' + @Columns2 + ' FROM

    (Select Clientid, TagId, [Name], ad, Total from #TestTable ) SourceData


    (min(Total) for ad in ('+@Columns+')) pivottable

    Order by ClientId, TagId '


    But I want the the roll up of the colums.. The desired output would be like this.

    Cid TagId Name D1 D2 D3 D4 D5

    1 47 American 1000 500 300 0 0

    1 47 American 1000 500 300 0 0

    1 47 ALL 2000 1000 600 0 0

    1 48 Hispanic 0 0 0 1000 200

    1 48 Hispanic 0 0 0 1000 200

    1 48 ALL 0 0 0 2000 400

    please help me

  • google for Cube and Rollup in sql, might be that's your answer:w00t:

  • Yeah Roll up works here. I have already tried.. but it is not working in inner query. So I have taken another outer select query and got the desired result.. thank u

  • Now I have to get the row sum of each column from D1 to D4.

    Example: the desired result set would be like the below

    Cid TagId Name D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 tot(D1andD2) tot(D3andD4)

    1 47 American 1000 500 300 0 0 1500 300

    1 47 American 1000 0 300 0 500 1000 800

    Any idea?

  • create table #TestTable


    ClientId int

    ,Ad varchar(10)

    ,TagID int

    ,[Name] varchar(10)

    ,Total int


    Insert #TestTable values (1 , 'D1', 47, 'American', 1000)

    Insert #TestTable values (1 , 'D2', 47, 'American', 500)

    Insert #TestTable values (1 , 'D3', 47, 'American', 300)

    Insert #TestTable values (1 , 'D4', 48, 'Hispanic', 1000)

    Insert #TestTable values (1 , 'D5', 48, 'Hispanic', 200)

    DECLARE @columns VARCHAR(8000)

    DECLARE @columns2 VARCHAR(8000)

    declare @TotalX int


    SET @Columns = SUBSTRING((SELECT DISTINCT ',['+Ad+']' FROM #TestTable GROUP BY Ad FOR XML PATH('')),2,8000)

    SET @Columns2 = SUBSTRING((SELECT DISTINCT ',ISNULL(['+Ad+'],0) AS ['+Ad+']' FROM #TestTable GROUP BY Ad FOR XML PATH('')),2,8000)

    set @TotalX = 3

    SET @SQL = 'SELECT Clientid, TagId, [Name],' + @Columns2 + '


    (Select Clientid, TagId, [Name], ad, Total from #TestTable ) SourceData


    (min(Total) for ad in ('+@Columns+')) pivottable

    Order by ClientId, TagId '


    --drop table #TestTable



    clientid int,

    tagid int,

    tname varchar(max),

    d1 int,

    d2 int,

    d3 int,

    d4 int,

    d5 int


    insert into #temp1


    declare @counter varchar(25)

    SET @Counter = 1

    DECLARE @ColumnCreator NVARCHAR(MAX)

    WHILE @Counter <= @TotalX


    SET @ColumnCreator = 'ALTER TABLE #Temp1 ADD DTotal'+ @Counter + ' DECIMAL(18,2)'

    EXEC (@ColumnCreator)

    SET @Counter = @Counter + 1



    declare @i varchar(5)

    set @i = 1

    declare @i1 varchar(5)

    set @i1 = 2

    SET @TotalCreator ='update #temp1 set dtotal'+@i+' = d'+ @i + '+ d'+ @i1


    set @i = @i+1

    set @i1 = @i1+1

    SET @TotalCreator ='update #temp1 set dtotal'+@i+' = d'+ @i + '+ d'+ @i1


    set @i = @i+1

    set @i1 = @i1+1

    SET @TotalCreator ='update #temp1 set dtotal'+@i+' = d'+ @i + '+ d'+ @i1


    set @i = @i+1

    set @i1 = @i1+1

    select * from #temp1

    drop table #TestTable

    drop table #Temp1

  • Thank you very much for your help... but I cant create a table with the columns D1, D2 etc like..



    clientid int,

    tagid int,

    tname varchar(max),

    d1 int,

    d2 int,

    d3 int,

    d4 int,

    d5 int


    since the number of those columns will change. every month the additional column will add to the table like D6, D7 etc.

  • you can make dynamic.

  • have got the desired result.. Thank you very much

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