Row and column values comparison

  • Hello,

    I am trying to find a solution to compare columns and values stored in another table with actual table column- values

    I have 2 tables

    Table1 with following columns and values

    ID|Col1|Col2| Col3 |Col4 |Col5| Col6| Col7


    1 01 a1 c1 02 03 ef a3

    Table 2 with following columns and values

    ID |Fldname| FldValue | read | Write | delete


    1 Col1 01 1 0 0

    2 Col1 02 1 1 0

    3 Col3 c1 1 1 1

    4 Col3 b2 1 0 0

    5 Col5 03 1 1 0

    I like to get the following result from these 2 tables

    Fldvalue | Read | write | delete


    01 1 0 0

    c1 1 1 1

    03 1 1 0

    Is there a way to do all these with TSQL query inside a sp or function

    Below are the scripts to create table and inserting values.

    ----Create Table1

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table1](

    [id] [int] NULL,

    [col1] [char](10) NULL,

    [col2] [char](10) NULL,

    [col3] [char](10) NULL,

    [col4] [char](10) NULL,

    [col5] [char](10) NULL,

    [col6] [char](10) NULL,

    [col7] [char](10) NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    ------Insert Values

    INSERT INTO [Table1]



















    ----Create Table2

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table2](

    [id] [int] NULL,

    [fldname] [char](10) NULL,

    [fldvalue] [char](10) NULL,

    [read] [int] NULL,

    [write] [int] NULL,

    [delete] [int] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    -----Inserting Values

    INSERT INTO [Table2]










    INSERT INTO [Table2]










    INSERT INTO [Table2]










    INSERT INTO [Table2]










    INSERT INTO [Table2]










    Thanks in advance


  • I am not sure why nobody is posting replies but I found solution below.

    declare @cols nvarchar(max), @SQL nvarchar(max), @TableName varchar(10) ='Table1'

    select @Cols = stuff((select ', ' + quotename(Column_Name) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS

    where Table_Name = @TableName and Column_Name not like 'ID%' ORDER BY Ordinal_Position

    for XML path('')),1,2,'')

    set @SQL = ';with cte as (select * from ' + quotename(@TableName)

    + ' UNPIVOT (FldValue for FldName IN (' + @Cols + ')) unpvt)

    select T.* from Table2 t INNER JOIN

    cte C on T.FldName = C.FldName and T.FldValue = C.FldValue'

    execute (@SQL)

  • Sorry for the delay, I was working at my paying job. 😉

    This should work for you too if you are running SQL2008.

    In production, you should consider indexing Table2 on (fldname,fldvalue).

    select t2.fldvalue, t2.[read], t2.write, t2.[delete]

    from table1 t1

    cross apply (Values








    ) ca (Col,Val)

    join Table2 t2 on t2.fldname = ca.Col and t2.fldvalue = ca.Val

    If you are running SQL 2005, you can still use CROSS APPLY but the VALUES clause won't work the way it does in 2008.

    Use this instead.

    select t2.fldvalue, t2.[read], t2.write, t2.[delete]

    from table1 t1

    cross apply (

    select 'Col1',col1 union all

    select 'Col2',col2 union all

    select 'Col3',col3 union all

    select 'Col4',col4 union all

    select 'Col5',col5 union all

    select 'Col6',col6 union all

    select 'Col7',col7

    ) ca (Col,Val)

    join Table2 t2 on t2.fldname = ca.Col and t2.fldvalue = ca.Val


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Thanks Dixie Flatline ,

    I will try this..

    My Table1 is dynamic meaning it is table(x) the columns can be different since it may be from another table.

    so, I cannot hard code the columns here.



  • Anytime you don't know the tables in advance, you will have to use dynamic SQL to get there. Either way, you may find the Cross Apply easier to code dynamically. But if you already have a working solution that you understand, good job.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

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