RPC:Starting delay

  • Hi,

    I am having problem with RPC:Starting delays i.e. our application calls an SP many time (it may be more than 100 times) in a single transaction. The sp execution duration is between 3 - 5 sec but between an RPC:Completed and RPC:Starting there is a delay of 5 or more sec which increase the execution time drastically. This is only happening on one server which has 4 instances of SQL Server running. The machine is a single CPU (P4 2.8 GHz) with 1 GB Ram, running Windows 2003 Small Business Server.

    Can anybody tell me what/ where to look for or what may be the cause?


  • Are you re-using the connection or establishing a new connection for each call? Have you timed your application between calls to the stored procedure to see how much of the 3-5 seconds is consumed by the application? Is the application server taxed either on CPU or disk access (which is more disruptive than CPU)? Is the data server taxed on CPU or disk access? Is the network congested and healthy? Are the network drivers configured correctly on both machines?

    There are a few starting points. I assumed that your "application" that was calling the stored procedure was outside of SQL Server and not a TSQL batch, another stored procedure, or the like. I also assumed that the application was running on a different machine, but even if running on the same computer all the same potential issues apply since the same architecture is used for communication leaving the network as a potential factor.

  • Thanx for the reply. I found the problem. The SP we are using calls an extended SP and the DLL has logging functionality. Someone started that logging although it is only meant for debugging and not for production server.

    Thanx again for your reply.


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