RS 2005 error

  • This report worked fine in RS2000.  Deployed to RS2005. Report is rendered programmatically from Application  using

    result = rs.Render(m_ReportName, m_RenderType,

    Nothing, Nothing, m_paramValues, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)

    m_paramValues has the parameter values of course. THe report defines the values as coming from queries and both are set to default from the queries. In Report manager it runs fine, but  rendering from app I getDefault value or value provided for the report parameter 'buyer' is not a valid value."

    The report actually has two parameters, one is a date and the other a 2 character string that might look like "04".  It is the "04" it doesn't seem to like.

    Is there a difference in passing multiple single parameters via code. This is not a multi select for one parameter but 2 different parameters.

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • How do you fill your parameter values, could you please post the snippet for filling these and the parameter definition of the report ?

    HTH, Jens Suessmeyer.



  • This is from Visual Studio 2003. The report was originally deployed on Reporting Services 2000 and we have recently switched to Reporting Services 2005. All worked fine in 2000.

    Private Function RenderReports(ByVal ReportToRender As String, ByVal individual As String, ByVal buyerno As String) As String

    Dim rs As New RptSrv.ReportingService

    Dim fileexists As String

    Dim result As Byte() = Nothing

    Dim stream As FileStream

    Dim fname As String

    Dim paramValues(1) As RptSrv.ParameterValue

    Dim DataSourceCredentials() As RptSrv.DataSourceCredentials

    rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials



    fname = CurDir() & "\reports\Tpr" & Trim(individual) & Format(Today, "MMddyyyy") & ".PDF"

    fileexists = Dir(fname)

    If fileexists <> "" Then


    End If

    ReportToRender = "/TprReport/" & ReportToRender

    paramValues(0) =

    New RptSrv.ParameterValue

    paramValues(0).Name = "tprDate"

    paramValues(0).Value = Format(Now, "MM/dd/yyyy")

    paramValues(1) =

    New RptSrv.ParameterValue

    paramValues(1).Name = "buyer"

    paramValues(1).Value = Trim(buyerno)

    result = rs.Render(ReportToRender, "PDF",

    Nothing, Nothing, paramValues, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)

    stream = File.Create(fname, result.Length)

    stream.Write(result, 0, result.Length)


    RenderReports = fname

    Catch ex As Exception

    ErrHandler("Error in " & Application.ExecutablePath & " .RenderReports" & ex.Message)

    RenderReports = ""

    End Try

    End Function

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