Running remote batch files using jobmanager

  • Hi,

    Can anyone help me with a problem concerning running batch files on a remote server.

    We've got a clusterd sql server 2005 64-bits environment on windows 2003 and want to execute a remote batch file using de jobmanager in sql server. Has anyone got an idea on how to handle this.

    kind regards,


  • Here is what I do.

    1. Create a Credential in SSMS under security (needs to have access to the remote server)

    2. Create a Proxy in SSMS under SQL Server Agent to use the Credentail you just made

    3. Then in your job step you can select "RUN AS" and that proxy you just made should show up instead of "SQL Server SQL Agent Service Account"

    I actually started using power shell scripts instead of CMDEXEC

  • Hi,

    thanx for the solution.


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