Running Reporting Services report from stored procedure.

  • Is it possible to run a Reporting Sevices reports from a stored procedure?

    I have a situation where I need the user to bea able to trigger a process that will create multiple reports for a process, each having it's own summary of the same data as well as leave some summary tables for other purposes.


    If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything!,

    Don Urquhart

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  • Yes you can.  When creating your dataset for your report, make sure you switch the Command Type from "Text" to "Stored Procedure".  Then, instead of writing a query, call your stored procedure in the Query String box.

  • Thanks Wendy

    As I understand it that would run the proc. from the report which would work for the first report. I was trying to prevent the user from having to run multiple reports. The current process that I am replacing produces multiple reports based on the user's selection criteria.

    What I want to do, if I can, is to run the stored procedure and have it run the reports.

    If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything!,

    Don Urquhart

  • I don't know how to have a stored proc run a RS report.  If it's possible, maybe someone else knows how. 

    Can you create subreports that are tied into your first report so that when the first report is run, all the others are also run and displayed?

  • Maybe. Can the selection criteria be passed from report to report when you do that?


    If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything!,

    Don Urquhart

  • Yeah, in the subreport properties window, click the Parameters tab and enter all the parameters you want to pass from the first report to the subreport.  If you set up each of your subreports this way, it should pass the user's selections on the main report to each subreport.

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