Running SQL Express 2005 side by side with SQL 7 Standard?

  • Is it possible to run 2005 and 7.0 on the same box if I configure 2005 to listen on a different port number?

    Also the 4 GB limit on database size for 2005 does that mean the whole instance of the server installation or individual databases? So if I have 50 databases each one of those could be anywhere south of 4 GB each?


  • Hey Ryan,

    I've never tried this, but I don't know of a reason that SSEE would not run side-by-side with SQL Server 7.0.  If you have the 7.0 instance configured as the default instance, just install SSEE as a named instance.

    Regarding the file size limitation, the 4gb limitation refers to database size, not the SSEE installation itself.

    Hope this helps...


    Tim Mitchell, Microsoft Data Platform MVP
    Data Warehouse and ETL Consultant | @Tim_Mitchell |
    ETL Best Practices

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