Running Total

  • jerome.morris (7/11/2012)

    There is lots of selects in this so I am not 100% where to put the date part. I also want to use Variables form from C# app.

    (Docket_Date BETWEEN @date1 AND @date2)

    I find this extremely difficult with this complex query maybe not to you but to me

    Post what you have. The date filter would be in the CTE OrderedData.

    โ€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.โ€ - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • In VS when I have a query like this it ask me for the dates, but running this is VS complains about parsing variables.

    This is what I have tried so far

    ; WITH OrderedData AS (


    rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Dockets Desc),




    Pct_To_Total = CAST((Dockets*100.0)/SUM(Dockets) OVER(PARTITION BY 1) AS NUMERIC(5,2))

    FROM (




    Dockets = COUNT(*)

    FROM SLADB.dbo.DocketTB a1

    Where Docket_Category IS NOT NULL

    AND (Docket_Date BETWEEN @date1 AND @date2)

    GROUP BY a1.Docket_Category,Docket_Date

    ) d

    ), Calculator AS (


    rn, Docket_Category, Dockets, Pct_To_Total,

    RunningTotal = Pct_To_Total

    FROM OrderedData

    WHERE rn = 1



    tr.rn, tr.Docket_Category, tr.Dockets, tr.Pct_To_Total,

    RunningTotal = CAST(lr.RunningTotal+tr.Pct_To_Total AS NUMERIC(5,2))

    FROM Calculator lr

    INNER JOIN OrderedData tr ON tr.rn = lr.rn+1

    ) SELECT * FROM Calculator ORDER BY rn

  • Anybody help me find my error?

  • jerome.morris (7/19/2012)

    Anybody help me find my error?

    What error(s). All you gave us was this: In VS when I have a query like this it ask me for the dates, but running this is VS complains about parsing variables.

    It would help if we could see the actual error message(s) you are getting.

  • Sorry

    OK normally I drag my tables onto my Dataset designer and run queries against it like so

    SELECT Con1, Con10, Con2, Con3, Con4, Con5, Con6, Con7,Weekend, Contract, Docket_Category, Docket_Date, Docket_DateRaised, Docket_EngFinish, Docket_EngStart, Docket_EngineerName, Docket_Id, Docket_Machine, Docket_Number, Docket_Status, Docket_SubCategory, Duration, Module, Monitor_Time, Operator_Name, Section, Waittime, Weekend, spare8 FROM DocketTB WHERE (Docket_Status = 'CL') AND (Docket_Date BETWEEN @date1 AND @date2) ORDER BY Docket_Date

    then from my c# code past Date1 and Date2 like so

    DocketTBTableAdapter.FillByAllDowntimeRange(SLADBDataSet.DocketTB, dateTimePicker1.Value.Date,


    So now I have drag my stored procedure onto my DataSet designer but need to past a query similar to above.

    Hope this helps


  • Chris M do I need to give more information ?

    I can see the finish line almost ๐Ÿ™‚

  • jerome.morris (8/1/2012)

    Chris M do I need to give more information ?

    I can see the finish line almost ๐Ÿ™‚

    I'm sorry Jerome, looks like you need a c# developer to help with your final sprint. I'm sure someone will chip in.

    โ€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.โ€ - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • No problems Chris. Thanks for your help on this matter.


  • Hi Chris, I have to set what my parameter is before I call it like so

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetCategory]

    @mc1 nchar


    ; WITH OrderedData AS (


    rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Dockets Desc),



    Pct_To_Total = CAST((Dockets*100.0)/SUM(Dockets) OVER(PARTITION BY 1) AS NUMERIC(5,2))

    FROM (



    Dockets = COUNT(*)

    FROM SLADB.dbo.DocketTB a1

    Where Docket_Category IS NOT NULL AND (Docket_Status = 'CL') AND (Contract = '1')

    AND (Docket_Date between '2012/07/23' and '2012/07/29') AND (Docket_Machine = @mc1)--(Docket_Machine ='APS_01')

    GROUP BY a1.Docket_Category

    ) d

    ), Calculator AS (


    rn, Docket_Category, Dockets, Pct_To_Total,

    RunningTotal = Pct_To_Total

    FROM OrderedData

    WHERE rn = 1



    tr.rn, tr.Docket_Category, tr.Dockets, tr.Pct_To_Total,

    RunningTotal = CAST(lr.RunningTotal+tr.Pct_To_Total AS NUMERIC(5,2))

    FROM Calculator lr

    INNER JOIN OrderedData tr ON tr.rn = lr.rn+1

    ) SELECT * FROM Calculator ORDER BY rn

    But in VS when I try preiview the data it returns no result! I have noticed that on queris that work the Machine is a string parameter but with the above its a fixedlengthstring.

    Any advice ?

    I think rather that be a fixed lengh it needs to be a string?

    make sense


  • @mc1 varchar(100)



  • Hi Jay

    We use VS2010Ultimate/AnkhSVN/SSDT for development here so I'm reasonably familiar with it - yet I'm not sure what you are trying to do or why. If you want to see if the stored procedure works or verify the result set, use SSMS. Declare the variable, assign a value, exec the proc with the variable as a parameter.

    โ€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.โ€ - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Hi Chris, I am using the solution you gave me a few weeks ago as base for my next query, can you look over please and see if there is a better way to do this, more so the query between 2 dates excluding time. (Logged Off and on are both datetime columns)

    Thanks in advance



    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[GetMachine] Script Date: 12/11/2012 14:08:29 ******/





    Alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetMachine1]

    @startd datetime,

    @endd datetime


    ; WITH OrderedData AS (


    rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Dockets Desc),



    Pct_To_Total = CAST((Dockets*100.0)/SUM(Dockets) OVER(PARTITION BY 1) AS NUMERIC(5,2))

    FROM ( SELECT a1.Reason,

    Dockets = COUNT(*)

    FROM SLADB.dbo.NPT a1

    Where Reason IS NOT NULL

    AND (LoggedOff >= @startd) and (LoggedOn <=@endd)

    GROUP BY a1.Reason

    ) d

    ), Calculator AS (


    rn, Reason, Dockets, Pct_To_Total,

    RunningTotal = Pct_To_Total

    FROM OrderedData

    WHERE rn = 1



    tr.rn, tr.Reason, tr.Dockets, tr.Pct_To_Total,

    RunningTotal = CAST(lr.RunningTotal+tr.Pct_To_Total AS NUMERIC(5,2))

    FROM Calculator lr

    INNER JOIN OrderedData tr ON tr.rn = lr.rn+1

    ) SELECT * FROM Calculator ORDER BY rn

  • Hi all, this works but its not really the result I want to see. This is fact counting the number of times a category appears in the list, what I really want to do is sum the duration of a table. How do I implement this. I am finding it hard to step through this and make sense.


  • Dockets = Sum(Duration)

    looks better

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