Same query on two servers taking way long to execu

  • these are the comparisons for two different servers with the same data and indexes. the same query is taking more than twice on this server.

    Application Profile Statistics

    Timer resolution (milliseconds) 0 0

    Number of INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements 0 0

    Rows effected by INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements 0 0

    Number of SELECT statements 0 0

    Rows effected by SELECT statements 0 0

    Number of user transactions 1 21.9444

    Average fetch time 0 0

    Cumulative fetch time 0 0

    Number of fetches 0 0

    Number of open statement handles 0 0

    Max number of opened statement handles 0 0

    Cumulative number of statement handles 0 0

    Network Statistics

    Number of server roundtrips 1 1

    Number of TDS packets sent 1 1

    Number of TDS packets received 34 16.3333

    Number of bytes sent 806 747.889

    Number of bytes received 21284 14446.8

    Time Statistics

    Cumulative client processing time 5 3.27778

    Cumulative wait time on server replies 9652 2.4226e+007


    Application Profile Statistics

    Timer resolution (milliseconds) 0 0

    Number of INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements 0 0

    Rows effected by INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements 0 0

    Number of SELECT statements 0 0

    Rows effected by SELECT statements 0 0

    Number of user transactions 0 0

    Average fetch time 0 0

    Cumulative fetch time 0 0

    Number of fetches 0 0

    Number of open statement handles 0 0

    Max number of opened statement handles 0 0

    Cumulative number of statement handles 0 0

    Network Statistics

    Number of server roundtrips 0 0

    Number of TDS packets sent 0 0

    Number of TDS packets received 0 0

    Number of bytes sent 0 0

    Number of bytes received 0 0

    Time Statistics

    Cumulative client processing time 0 0

    Cumulative wait time on server replies 0 0


    can anyone please throw some light?

  • kraks,

    Do the two servers in question have identical hardware?

    What kind of traffic/load is present on each server?

    Have you recently rebuilt indexes or restored the database in question on one of the servers?


    wavie davie 🙂

  • there are no loads on both the servers. we have isolated these servers. both the servers are not identical. the first statistics is from a 4 proc 4 gig server and the second is from 2 proc 2 gig server. since the powerful machine is slow, i am kinda clueless. all the indexes have been rebuilt, statistics updated for both the servers.

  • Kraks,

    Okay, that helps. Are you using the same version of SQL on both boxes? ie., both boxes are running SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition.

    Have tried running perfmon on the slow server, checking for disk i/o, processor and memory usage?

    wavie davie 🙂

  • My reading of the second lot of statistics is that you're sending nothing to the server and therefore getting nothing back. Everything's zero, including network stats. Am I missing something?

    - Mark

  • the query that is running slow is an sql enterprise 2000 and other is sql standard 2000. I kinda suspect the subsystem to be a bottleneck. what can i check on perfmon to find where exactly the bottlenect is?

  • There have been some threads about multi-processor machines behaving strangely. Maybe something to check out ...

  • Kraks,

    Here are some of the most common sql-related perfmon monitors:

    Memory: Pages/Sec

    Memory: Available Bytes

    Physical Disk: % Disk Time

    Physical Disk: Avg. Disk Queue Length

    Processor: % Processor Time

    System: Processor Queue Length

    SQL Server Buffer: Buffer Cache Hit Ratio

    SQL Server General: User Connections

    If you suspect the disk subsystem is the bottleneck, then you will see % Disk Time (Measures how busy a physical array is) spiking. A good rule of thumb is that this counter should run less than 55% for continuous periods.

    Wavie davie 🙂

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