SaveMailInSentItemsFolder property value Change All Packages at One Time

  • Can someone tell me a way to make a wholesale change of all of our dts packages to reflect the value of "0" instead of "-1" in the SaveMailInSentItemsFolder property value .

    Thanks, Lloyd Langford


    To keep DTS from saving the item to the Sent Items folder, every DTS Send Mail Task must be modified in every package to disable the option.

    1.  Open the package

    2.  Click Package...Disconnected Edit

    3.  Select the appropriate Send Mail Task from the list

    4.  Change the SaveMailInSentItemsFolder property value to "0"

    5.  Save the package

  • You can do it programmatically using some creative ActiveXScript.

    Here's a script I hacked together to alter the Datapump properties in our packages. It uses SQL-DMO to fetch a list of package names from the sysdtspackages table. The it loads each package, loops through the tasks within the package looking for the datapump tasks, alters the properties and saves the package. There's two MsgBox's that you'll need to remove if you want to run it "hands-off".

    You can just change the script so that it looks for the appropriate task and properties as they're listed in Disconnected edit.

    One important thing to note, editing packages this way will mean that you lose the package layout and any text annotations. If you need to retain these items then you'll have to edit the packages in normal way

    Option Explicit
    Function Main()
     Dim oPkg ' DTS package object
     Dim sPkgName
     Dim oTsk ' DTS task object
     Dim sTskName
     Dim oSrvr ' SQL-DMO server object
     Dim oDb ' SQL-DMO database object
     Dim oQry ' SQL-DMO Query results object
     Dim sSQL ' SQL string to execute
     Dim iRowLoop ' loop counter
     Dim iRowCnt ' number of rows in query results
     Dim iTskLoop
     Dim iTskCnt
     Dim sMsg
     Dim iFetchBuffer
     Dim iCommitSize
     ' build SQL string to retrieve stored global variables using PkgID
     sSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT [name] FROM [msdb].[dbo].[sysdtspackages] "
     sSQL = sSQL & "WHERE [name] LIKE '<pattern matching package name>'"
     ' use SQL-DMO to connect to server and retrieve package names
     Set oSrvr = CreateObject("SQLDMO.SQLServer")
     oSrvr.LoginSecure = True
     oSrvr.Connect "(local)" ' can be replaced with ".", or actual server name
     Set oDb = oSrvr.Databases(msdb)
     Set oQry = oDb.ExecuteWithResults(sSQL)
     iRowCnt = oQry.Rows
     If iRowCnt > 0 Then
      For iRowLoop = 1 To iRowCnt
       sPkgName = oQry.GetColumnString(iRowLoop, 1)
       Set oPkg = CreateObject("DTS.Package")
       oPkg.LoadFromSQLServer sSrvr, "", "", 256, "", "", "", sPkgName
       iTskCnt = oPkg.Tasks.Count
       'Find Task
       For iTskLoop = 1 To iTskCnt
        ' set reference to step in error
        Set oTsk = oPkg.Tasks(iTskLoop).CustomTask
        sTskName = oTsk.Name
        If InStr(1, sTskName, "DataPumpTask") > 0 Then
         iFetchBuffer = oTsk.Properties("FetchBufferSize").Value
         iCommitSize = oTsk.Properties("InsertCommitSize").Value
         sMsg = "Found DataPump in " & sPkgName & " task " & sTskName & vbCrLf
         sMsg = sMsg & "Fetch Buffer Size = " & iFetchBuffer & vbCrLf
         sMsg = sMsg & "Insert Commit Size = " & iCommitSize
         MsgBox  sMsg
         oTsk.Properties("FetchBufferSize").Value = 9000
         oTsk.Properties("InsertCommitSize").Value = 0
        End If
        Set oTsk = Nothing   
       oPkg.SaveToSQLServer sSrvr, "", "", 256
       Set oPkg = Nothing
      MsgBox "Now rows!!"
     End If
     Set oQry = Nothing
     Set oDb = Nothing
     Set oSrvr = Nothing
     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
    End Function

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

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