Saving a timestamp value

  • Hello everyone,

    I need to store a timestamp value from a record table A, in another table B.

    Later I want to select all the records from table A that have a timestamp value grater than the one stored in B.

    What data type should I use to store this timestamp value?

  • Hello..

    I would suggest a datetime value, set to the current UTC time (GETUTCDATE()).

    Hope this helps!

    Take care..

    - Ward Pond

  • I was refering to a SQL server timestamp field - the one that has nothing to do with date or time! It has a binary value

  • In this instance, then, I would use SQL Server's timestamp datatype.

    I'm a litle confused about your "binary value" statement; timestamps are far from binary.  So I may still not be giving you the best advice.

    Hope this helps!

    Take care..

    - Ward Pond

  • Timestamps as we know them from other DBs are equivalent to SQL datetime datatype. SQL Server timestamps are something else,

    I quote from BOL:

    "The SQL Server timestamp data type has nothing to do with times or dates. SQL Server timestamp values are binary numbers that indicate the relative sequence in which data modifications took place in a database. The timestamp data type was originally implemented to support the SQL Server recovery algorithms. Each time a page was modified, it was stamped with the current @@DBTS value and @@DBTS was incremented by one. This was sufficient for recovery to determine the relative sequence in which pages had been modified, but the timestamp values had no relationship to time. "

  • I found it !

    A closer look in BOL revealed:

    "A nonnullable timestamp column is semantically equivalent to a binary(8) column. A nullable timestamp column is semantically equivalent to a varbinary(8) column"

  • I know this was 6 years ago, but I am having the same problem today. Did anyone ever come up with an answer? I have tried saving to a Binary(8) column and converting it to Binary(8), and no luck updating the table where I am tring to save it.

    UPDATE [TS].[dbo].[MPPS Data Vault]

    SET [LastBarcodeTimeStamp] = (SELECT CONVERT(varbinary(max), MAX(timestamp), 1) as TS From [TS].[dbo].[Barcodes])

    WHERE RowCounter = 1

    Any help?

  • Simple, don't use timestamp as a datatype. It is deprecated.

    If you want to record dates for things like LastUpdated use datetime.


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  • charles-1011021 (4/18/2012)

    I know this was 6 years ago, but I am having the same problem today. Did anyone ever come up with an answer? I have tried saving to a Binary(8) column and converting it to Binary(8), and no luck updating the table where I am tring to save it.

    UPDATE [TS].[dbo].[MPPS Data Vault]

    SET [LastBarcodeTimeStamp] = (SELECT CONVERT(varbinary(max), MAX(timestamp), 1) as TS From [TS].[dbo].[Barcodes])

    WHERE RowCounter = 1

    Any help?

    What are the data types for these fields?

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Looks like you started a couple new threads for this as well.

    Further replies, please post here:

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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