Scalar Function PRoblem

  • Hi,

    I have a table "tblDocument" with DocumentID as Primary Key. I have another table "tblRevision" with DocumentID as foreign key. It also contains a field called RevNo. If a Document is "issued", it gets inserted into tblRevision and the RevNo is indexed by 1.

    I want to write a Scalar Function (which I will use in a few different places)to calculate what the next RevNo will be given the DocumentID but I can't get it to work. Here's what I've tried:

    ALTER FUNCTION dbo.NextRevisionNo


    @DocumentID int


    RETURNS int



    Declare @RetVal int

    SELECT @RetVal= SELECT MAX(RevNo) + 1 AS NextRev

    FROM dbo.tblRevision

    GROUP BY DocumentID

    HAVING (DocumentID = @DocumentID)

    RETURN @RetVal


    but it doesn't work. I also need to handle the case where the DocumentID doesn't exist in tblRevision (i.e. it has never been issued). What I proposed to do fro that was to change my SELECT Max() bit to:

    SELECT MAX(ISNULL(RevNo,-1)) + 1 AS NextRev

    which "should" give 0 as NextRev.

    Any help appreciated!

  • Hi dec

    At first glance I'd say drop the extra 'Select' remove the 'As NextRev'

    SELECT @RetVal= MAX(RevNo) + 1

    FROM dbo.tblRevision

    GROUP BY DocumentID

    HAVING (DocumentID = @DocumentID)

    And give that a try.

    To account for Nulls use MAX(IsNull(RevNo,0)) + 1

  • Hi,

    I got it to work by putting brackets around the SELECT statement i.e.

    SELECT @RetVal= (SELECT MAX(RevNo)+1

    FROM dbo.tblRevision

    GROUP BY DocumentID

    HAVING (DocumentID = @DocumentID))

    Thanks for the help anyway.

  • Why bother with the GROUP BY and HAVING?  A simple WHERE meets your needs here.

    SELECT @RetVal = MAX(RevNo) + 1
      FROM dbo.tblRevision
     WHERE DocumentID = @DocumentID

    Eddie Wuerch
    MCM: SQL

  • --Your IsNull is in the wrong spot

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.CurrentRevisionNo


    @DocumentID int


    RETURNS int





    SELECT ISNULL(MAX(RevNo),0) AS CurrentRev

    FROM dbo.tblRevision

    WHERE (DocumentID = @DocumentID)






    dbo.CurrentRevisionNo(DocumentID) CurrentRevNo,

    dbo.CurrentRevisionNo(DocumentID) + 1 AS NextRevNo

    FROM tblDocuments

  • Yep,

    All sorted now.

    Thanks for all of the help.


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