Scaling Deployment

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Scaling Deployment

  • A very thought-provoking editorial, Steve. I work at a large state government department, where I've felt for years, DevOps would help tremendously to improve our systems. But the political pressure to not adopt DevOps is quite strong. Upper management is, at least publicly, in favor of adopting DevOps. (Good for them.) However, middle and first level managers are passively-aggressively opposed to adopting DevOps. I'm at the level of a developer. At my level none of my fellow developers are interested in adopting DevOps.

    The team I'm on has written 8 apps, but of those 8 only 1 is actively being used. (There are reasons I believe for this, but that hasn't anything to do with the coordination between dev and ops for handing off an app from one group to another.) I've wondered for a long time how this will be handled, especially since up to now we've really not had any experience of handing off our finished app to a maintenance team. The only actively adopted app we've produced is still supported by the guy in my team who wrote it. In my team, we're nearing finishing up two more new apps. One probably has near 100 windows in it, so it's massive, at least by our standards. And since we've not adopted DevOps, we're going to do a "Big Bang Deployment" of both apps. In my team meetings we've begun to discuss handing these two apps off to the maintenance team. A major problem is none of our maintenance team members are trained on the technology that we used. Obviously, they can learn (we did), but we've got to get on the ball with doing this. There's a lot of uncertainty again, but based upon previous experience I'd say that the chances the users will use either app, is low. And I've no idea if we'll actually hand off either app to maintenance, given the fact that only app we've wrote which is being used today has never been handed off to a maintenance team.

    Kindest Regards, Rod Connect with me on LinkedIn.

  • I wish that people would start writing articles on "Scaling QUALITY".  Actually, a lot of folks need to start on the 101 version of that. 😀

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