Schedule a DTS package

  • Hi, like i m a newbie in DTS, i don't understand some thiongs about it. I want to schedule a DTS to be executed as a job. When i right click on my package to schedule it, no problem. When i go to SQL Server Agent/Jobs, i've got nothing ! Why ?

  • quote:

    Hi, like i m a newbie in DTS, i don't understand some thiongs about it. I want to schedule a DTS to be executed as a job. When i right click on my package to schedule it, no problem. When i go to SQL Server Agent/Jobs, i've got nothing ! Why ?

    Can't explain why the job is not appearing, however, try creating a job excuting the DTS. This isgenerally what I use as I run more than 1 DTS as part of a scheduled Job

    eg using the OS command DTSRUN /S [Server Name] /N [DTS Package Name] /E

  • Great ! It works well. Thanks for your help. I really appreciate this forum as members are very helpful.

  • Just another question .... ;-))

    I launch my job and it fails due to an ODBC OLE DB Error. But when i execute the DTS Package directly, no problem.

    Is there a differnce between launching directly and by a job ?

  • if the job is owned by a sysadmin the package is run uder the context of the SQL Server AGENT service Acccount!

    if the job is owned by non-sysadmin account the Package is runned under the SQLAgentCmdExec account which generally don't have permission ouside of the local computer!!!!


    * Noel

  • I found the job scheduling security very confusing when I was first starting out. To make it work make sure you are logged in with a user id that is part of the sysadmin role when you are creating the package and the job. Also make sure that the account that the SQL Agent is logged in under has the permissions necessary for all of the processes that are completed within your DTS package, since it is that account that is running the job when it is scheduled.

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