Scheduled job won't run on MSDE install

  • I can't think of a simple way to describe it in a few words that won't either return no hits or will return more hits than are reasonable. :w00t:

    Anyway, I have an MSDE install that has a scheduled job that runs every hour from 20:00 to 18:00, at 19:00 it does its nightly maintenance (backup, dbcc, etc). The problem that I'm having is that occasionally, such as today, it won't run every hour and reports that its next scheduled run is tonight at 20:00.

    I think it has something to do with the way the timer/clock spins, but I'm not certain. I also have the limiting factor that this particular server is unpatched and running RTM, and this could also be the issue.

    I just changed the timing of the maintenance jobs on this box so that the backups run from 00:01 to 22:00 with all maintenance taking place at 23:00, and my 16:00 backup ran just fine.

    Has anyone else seen such a thing? Thanks! 😀

    [font="Arial"]Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information upon it. --Samuel Johnson[/font]

  • I've seen in the Scheduled Task items that if you schedule it to run for 2 hours, even though you say every hour, it only runs once or twice.

    As for the Agent, haven't seen this, but not much MSDE work.

  • My fix of changing the schedule from 0000 to 2200 seems to be working fine. I have a feeling that it's probably the fact that the box is at RTM and is unpatched, but there's nothing that I can do about that right now. The box in question is running our Blackberry software, and believe it or not, has a single 20gig drive in it. I have no idea who dreamed up that as a server configuration.

    [font="Arial"]Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information upon it. --Samuel Johnson[/font]

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