Scheduling DTS Packages...

  • I have a DTS package that I am trying to schedule to run hourly. Usually executing the DTS package takes approx 30mins to run, it reads from an AS400(urgh!), and performs lots of DB updates etc, and then emails operators to confirm its completion/failure.

    The DTS owner, job owner, and SQL Agent security are all the same login.

    My problem is that the job starts, but never seems to successfully complete. Does anyone have any ideas why this happens? Why does it not complete with an error/success message?

    Thanks in advance.


  • Be sure you don't have any interactive elements in the package. If so, it will stall waiting for input. Usually this is either a message box or an error with an "OK"

    Steve Jones

  • There are definately no interactive elements.

    Any other ideas?


  • Hello Carl,


    Any other ideas?

    are you able to figure out where the package hangs (AS400, DB Updates, eMail)?



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • We do this same thing with about 200 jobs ... on an AS400 9406-730 OS400 v5.1 .. Have verified the jobs are connecting to the AS/400?

  • Carl,

    When you do a test run (non-scheduled) of the package, do you do so logged on to the SQL box itself, or using client utilities from your workstation?

    - Mark

  • Can you run the job to completion in the dts designer?

    If not, you can determine which step is causing the problem by running them individually using the Right Click menu - execute step.

  • You might try turning package logging on and then run the job. The log should tell you where the package is hanging up. If it doesn't give an error message, you can tell where it stopped logging and investigate that step.

    Good Luck!

  • Carl, I had the same problem and I seemed to solve the issue by making sure that a user is logged into the SQL Server (ie. logged into Windows). In our case when the server did not have a user logged into it the jobs would hang the way you describe, but if I left a user logged into the server they would run fine. I'm guessing it's something to do with the security when trying to connect to AS400 although I haven't been able to find anything to document the issue.


  • The machine that hosts the DTS is the machine where the job is scheduled. Everything is done from the same machine to avoid SQL security issues. Therefore executing the DTS manually should be the same as scheduling it? Correct me if I am wrong.

    I shall try the logging, and see what happens: Next question. Can someone remind me how to turn on the logging?


  • Carl,

    Are you executing the DTS as the same user that is used to automate the schedule?? If not the issue may be permissions.

    Good Luck,

    AJ Ahrens


    Revenue Assurance Management - AT&T

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Yes, the same security is being used throughout.

  • Carl,

    to turn logging on: Open DTS package, click on the package menu option then the logging tab.

    Should be good to go from there

    AJ Ahrens


    Revenue Assurance Management - AT&T

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • You can also try logging thru the job --> Properties.

    Good Luck.


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