Script to Create 100 Databases

  • It ran successfully! 🙂

    Thank you very much, Everett, for all your assistance.


  • One last question, Everett:

    How do I create a dump device for each database in the script?

    Thank you.


  • Hello.

    I unfortunately don't have any experience with the DUMP command beyond BOL which suggests it shouldn't be used (GURUS: IS THIS TRUE FOR A ONE TIME SHOT?).

    I ran the following script using the BACKUP command, it could probably be modified to use the DUMP command


    @BackUp varchar(500),

    @DatabaseName varchar(500)

    Set @DatabaseName = 'Northwind'

    Set @BackUp = 'EXEC sp_addumpdevice ''disk'', ''' + @DatabaseName +

    ''', ''d:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\BACKUP\' + @DatabaseName + '.dat''' + CHAR(13) +

    'BACKUP DATABASE ' + @DatabaseName + ' TO ' + @DatabaseName



    Edited by - ewilson10 on 06/17/2003 11:58:18 AM

    Everett Wilson

  • Thanks again for your help, Everett.

    I got it to work.


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